Calendar of Events

Annual Garden Party and Remembrance Mass

You are invited to attend the annual remembrance Mass for all the deceased members of the American Catholic Historical Society (ACHS) and the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute (CPLI).

Camp Guadalupe 2019

Living Bridges will be having their 27th annual Camp Guadalupe at St. Francis of Assisi, Springfield, June 24-28 and at Malvern Retreat House July 15-19.

Beer tasting for couples at St. Raymond Parish

Married couples are invited to join us for an evening of beer tasting and games on Friday, June 22 from 7-10 p.m.

Juventutem PHL – Dinner & Compline

Join the monthly potluck dinner at St. Mary Parish in Conshohocken. Dinner will be in the church hall at 6 p.m., followed by a talk by the pastor, Father Carl Gismondi, and sung Compline in the church at 8:30.

Talk & Book Signing: Colleen Carroll Campbell

Join award-winning author, former presidential speechwriter & EWTN host Colleen Carroll Campbell for a talk & signing of her new book.

Day of Reflection for Female Veterans: Summer Relaxation

As we welcome the Summer Solstice, we will embrace both the sources of light and darkness in our lives. Through music, poetry and the images of abundant life on Cranaleith’s beautiful grounds, we will discover the wisdom held in our own growth. Come join us!

Summer Solstice Retreat

Come celebrate the longest day of the year while honoring the earth and its beauty. Together we will ponder our wakefulness and gratitude for such a gift. Bring a blanket and dress comfy for summer solstice activities.

7-Day Directed Retreat

Withdraw from the busyness of life for an experience grounded in solitude, silence, reflection, and prayer. Retreatants stay in a comfortable room with all meals provided.

Young Adult Pentecost Vigil

The Catholic Center for Young Adults invites all young adults to attend this gathering as a very deliberate act of worship to invoke the Holy Spirit and be open to his action for the sake of personal sanctification and renewal.

East Meets West in Awareness: Spiritual Wisdom of Anthony DeMello, SJ

This retreat will be a day of waking up, drawing from both Eastern and Western insights. We will practice DeMello’s spiritual exercises – which he calls “Christian exercises in Eastern form” – and experience how this style of prayer expands our awareness and enlivens our spirit.