Local News
Archbishop Chaput appoints 12 deans, divides archdiocesan regions into deaneries
As part of the ongoing reorganization of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Archbishop Charles Chaput has announced the appointment of 12 deans throughout the Archdiocese. “The role of the deans offers a better means of communication between the Archbishop, the priests and the people,” said Msgr. Arthur E. Rodgers, coordinator for Archdiocesan Planning Initiatives in the […]
St. Anastasia students portray saints on All Saints Day
Second graders at St. Anastasia School in Newtown Square celebrated All Saints Day Nov. 1 with a parade of saints. The students will be making their First Holy Communion next spring.
St. Martin de Porres Mass: A festive celebration of faith and culture
The 49th annual celebration of the canonization of St. Martin de Porres was celebrated with a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Nov. 6. The celebration highlighted the gifts of Philadelphia’s African American Catholic community: from the “Heritage Mass” and the singing of Negro Spirituals to the Afrocentric outfits worn by […]
Local Catholics give to Pope’s charities
Catholics in the Philadelphia Archdiocese confirmed their bond with Pope Benedict XVI as they gave $465,891 in this year’s Peter’s Pence collection. Archbishop Charles Chaput received a letter of thanks for the donations on behalf of the pope from Msgr. Jean-Francois Lantheaume, the papal representative for the United States, dated Oct. 31. The annual collection […]
Endow founder speaks about ‘feminine genius’
From a Catholic perspective there are few images that bespeak the dignity of women better than Michelangelo’s Pietà. On the morning of Nov. 10 Terry Polakovic, executive director and co-founder of the international movement Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) spoke to approximately 40 women at St. Anastasia Hall in Newtown Square […]
Knights give to priests’ care, vocations work
The Knights of Columbus in Pennsylvania recently made two significant donations as the result of fund-raising efforts by the Knights for needs in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Archbishop Charles Chaput accepted two checks from the Knights Nov. 10 at the Archdiocesan Office Center. The first check for $5,313 assisted the archdiocesan priests’ retirement fund, while the second for $1,118 supported the promotion of vocations to the priesthood.
Bil Keane, Northeast Catholic grad and Family Circus creator, dies at 89
Born William Aloysius Keane, he started cartooning at St. William School and honed his skills at Northeast Catholic High School, where he graduated in 1940. He never forgot his roots; for many years one might notice the familiar red and white NC pennant hanging in the children’s bedroom in the strip. “I hate to tell […]
Archbishop Chaput speaks to Penn for Life group
Here is the text of the “Being Human in an Age of Unbelief” presentation Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., gave to the Penn for Life group at the University of Pennsylvania Nov. 7. In getting ready for tonight, Charles Gray asked me to keep two things in mind. First, he asked me to remember that we have […]
Five hundreds jars of peanut butter collected at SS. Simon and Jude Parish
WEST CHESTER — On Oct. 27 SS. Simon and Jude School students helped with the collection of over 500 jars of peanut butter and jelly that were donated by the parish PREP students (students who do not attend the parish school, but receive their Catholic education at SSJ), parishioners, and the school community. The annual […]
Catholic Life Congress enlivened by 16 presenters, participants from across Archdiocese
Prisca, Aquila, Epaenetus, Mary, Andronicus… St. Paul sends greetings to 26 disciples by name in Romans, Chapter 16 and most of them were included in the first reading at the Catholic Life Congress Mass celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul on Nov. 5. “For the most part we have no idea […]