
Physician warns of family separation’s harmful effects on children

At a congressional panel discussion, Dr. Sanjeev K. Sriram, a pediatrician in Southeast Washington, discussed the long-term effects of separating children from their parents.

Mexican bishops announce security protocols for priests, religious

The protocols urge priests to practice precautions such as not following the same schedule each day, installing alarms and security cameras in parishes and creating security commissions of lay members.

Port chaplain leads pastoral, practical outreach to crew on detained ship

Deacon John Archer, port chaplain of the Archdiocese of Mobile, has been providing pastoral and practical support for the crew of a cargo ship detained in the Port of Mobile for months.

Parishioners in Kenya disappointed after priest suspended — for rapping

The 45-year-old priest had been entertaining his parishioners with rap music, urging them to stop using drugs and to get involved in environmental and social justice issues.

Forgiveness turns evil into good, pope tells Catholics in Geneva

At the end of a day dedicated to celebrating 70 years of an ecumenical fellowship forged by the World Council of Churches, Pope Francis turned to the region's Catholics, reminding them of what lies at the heart of the faith.

Soon-to-be-deported mother praying to God ‘to keep my family together’

"It's still not enough time for me to get my kids' passports to take them with (me)," said Fierro, the 35-year-old mother of two children, ages 3 and 8.

Onetime Polish war refugee collects history so the world won’t forget

The Poles were the first people aided by the fledgling War Relief Services, which was started in 1943 by the National Catholic Welfare Council of the U.S. bishops in response to the human suffering wrought by war.

Broken world needs Christian unity, pope tells Christian leaders at WCC

On his 23rd apostolic journey abroad June 21, the pope spent several hours with Christian leaders at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches, a fellowship of 350 ecclesial communities, including many Orthodox churches.

Cardinal McCarrick’s 60 years of ministry in church had global impact

Cardinal McCarrick said he will no longer exercise any public ministry "in obedience" to the Vatican after an allegation he abused a teenager 47 years ago was found credible.

Trump signs executive order stopping family separation policy

The executive order seeks to work around a 1997 consent decree that bars the federal government from keeping children in immigration detention -- even if they are with their parents -- for more than 20 days.