
Pro-Life Summit in Philadelphia taps family theme

As Philadelphia gears up for the World Meeting of Families in September, an archdiocesan event last week featured prayerful witness, a Mass and talks on issues for families.

Lafayette bishop offers prayers in wake of theater shooting

"On behalf of the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Lafayette, we offer our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims of the shooting at the Grand Theater in Lafayette," Bishop Jarrell said in a July 23 statement.

‘Walk with Francis’ service pledge drive launched in honor of visit

In anticipation of Pope Francis' September visit to Washington, the Archdiocese of Washington and its Catholic Charities arm have launched an effort that challenges members of the local community to reach out to those in need.

‘Good Is Winning’ social media effort gears up for Pope Francis’ visit

A broad digital media project to coincide with Pope Francis' visit this fall to the United States aims to recruit and interact with young people, particularly those who do not think of themselves as religious.

Frescoes at St. Augustine’s get historic designation

The Philadelphia Historical Commission has recognized the 1848 art in the church rebuilt after riots as the first frescoes to be painted in any American church.

The pope’s ‘staycation’: Correspondence, trip preparation fill his days

With the exception of a July 21 meeting with a group of mayors from around the world and the Sunday recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis' schedule was cleared of meetings, audiences and public appearances July 13-Aug. 4.

Archbishop reflects on religious liberty challenges after Obergefell

"Marriage, as understood between one man and one woman, is embedded throughout the law," he said, "so to upend that is to produce a sea change in our legal system."

Wisconsin’s new law outlaws non-emergency abortions at or beyond 20 weeks

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker July 20 signed a bill into law that would prohibit all Wisconsin abortions at or beyond the 20-week gestation mark, making an exception only for medical emergencies.

New video released with Planned Parenthood official discussing abortion

Lawmakers and pro-life leaders said the videos document the organization's illicit activities in selling organs and tissue procured in abortions.

Italians of Norristown set to celebrate Marian feast

The M.S.S. Lodge of Norristown will celebrate for the 111th year the feast of their patroness, Maria Santissima del Soccorso di Sciacca, on Sunday, Aug. 16.