
Reverend William E. Grogan

Reverend William E. Grogan, Pastor, Holy Cross Parish, Philadelphia, died on Sunday, August 25, 2024.

New Director of Office for Black Catholics Hopes to Inspire All to Grow in Faith Together

Stacy Williams, Philadelphia native and Saint Charles Borromeo parishioner, describes her hopes for bringing together people of all cultures throughout the archdiocese.

Cardinals’ Forum to discuss ‘The Pastoral Impact of Artificial Intelligence’

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary will host the discussion and public dialogue at 7:00 p.m. Sept. 9 at the seminary’s new Lower Gwynedd campus.

Seminary Settles into New Gwynedd Campus for Next Chapter in Long History

The 2024-2025 academic year starts a new chapter in the seminary’s history at a new campus in Lower Gwynedd, Montgomery County.

Seminarians Move in at New St. Charles Seminary Campus

After 153 years at its Wynnewood location, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary welcomed 140 seminarians Aug. 21 at the newly constructed campus in Lower Gwynedd for the seminary’s 193rd academic year.

St. Joe’s U. Plans to Become a ‘Laudato Si’ University

A seven-year plan implementing Pope Francis' document on the environment will help faculty, staff, and students at the Jesuit-founded university “be responsible stewards of our Earth.”

Neumann-Goretti’s Baseball Championship Journey Unearths More Senior Standouts

Looking back at Neumann-Goretti’s state baseball championship celebration, a couple of players arguably did not receive enough plaudits for their overall contribution during the four-game journey, writes sports contributor John Knebels.

Philly’s Biggest Baby Shower Returns for Second Year of Giving, Encouraging Community

The free Aug. 24 event will feature resources for families, as well as essential baby care items like diapers and wipes. The event is part of Catholic Social Services’ outreach to thousands of new and expecting moms each year.

Permanent Diaconate Information Session Set for Sept. 19

Catholic men, and their wives if married, with a deep spiritual life who are between the ages of 29 and 55 are invited to join an in-person panel of clergy for a Permanent Diaconate Information Night Sept. 19.

IHM Sister Professes Perpetual Vows, Makes Lifelong Commitment

Sister Elizabeth Anne entered the IHM Congregation in Sept. 2016 and professed her first vows in Aug. 2019.