
Msgr. Beach named delegate for stewardship

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Msgr. Francis W. Beach, who was recently appointed as the Cardinal’s delegate for Stewardship and Development pro-tem, in addition to his current duties as pastor of SS. Simon and Jude Parish in West Chester, knows that it is going to be a challenging task but is looking forward to […]

Mass obligations for Christmas, Saturday, Dec. 25

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Christmas Day, Dec. 25, falls on a Saturday this year. Catholics fulfill the holy day of obligation for Christmas, the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, at Christmas Eve vigil Masses (no earlier than 4 p.m.) and at any Masses celebrated on Christmas Day. Christmas is a holy […]

Faith cornerstone of shop, owner

By Elizabeth FisherSpecial to The CS&T Ava Puma once earned a six-figure income and drove a Porsche. She lived the good life until a terrible accident changed her forever. Now, she said, she lives a more blessed life. Puma is the owner of the Ave Maria Shop, a vast Catholic religious store in Morrisville that […]

La Salle falls to North Allegheny in AAAA state final

Five turnovers. No matter how good a football team is, it can’t get away with that many mistakes. Proving that they are indeed human, La Salle gave away five possessions and fell to North Allegheny 21-0, in the PIAA Class AAAA championship Saturday at Hersheypark Stadium. The loss severed the defending state champions’ 12-game winning […]

West Catholic wins first state championship

By John KnebelsSports Columnist No matter what they do, and no matter where they go, everyone associated with West Catholic’s football program can always return to the night of Dec. 18, 2010 and bask in the memory. And for the rest of their lives, those same people will probably break into a smile every time […]

Local author adapts Narnia book to play

Web ExclusiveBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T As the third installment of C.S. Lewis’s children’s series “The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” hits theaters, it is worth mentioning that the first volume published, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” was acted on the stage in 1985, 20 years before that […]

Narnia: ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’

By Bill DonaghyCatholic Currents Narnia … the very word holds a power over countless readers. With it comes a thirst for adventure, a return to youth, and a longing to peer over the world’s edge into “Aslan’s Country.” Now with the release of the third film based on the Narnia series, “The Voyage of the […]

Cardinal Rigali creates advisory cabinet

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T The nearly completed archdiocesan Capital Campaign has successfully garnered more than $200 million in gifts and pledges to assist the Archdiocese into the future in its various ministries. In addition to much-needed funding it has served to increase awareness of these ministries and galvanize community leaders to become more […]

‘Whose birthday is it anyway?’

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Face it, the idea that Advent is not just a time to serially light four pretty candles but a season of prayer and preparation is foreign to a good many people. At West Philadelphia Catholic High School, where 85 percent of the student population is not Catholic, it is […]

Midnight Mass celebrated across Archdiocese

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Midnight Mass at Christmas is a cherished tradition of the Catholic Church. In the Philadelphia Archdiocese, Midnight Mass is definitely not a practice of the past. Numerous parishes celebrate Mass at Midnight on Dec. 25. “Traditionally, the Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord with Masses […]