After outcry, ‘Christmas’ is restored to sign
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff WriterPHILADELPHIA – City Hall gets Christmas after all. Last week, an archway sign with the title “Christmas Village in Philadelphia” was placed above an array of kiosks where Christmas-themed items are on sale at a plaza outside City Hall.After complaints, the city removed “Christmas” from the title, then removed the […]
After outcry, ‘Christmas’ is restored to sign
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – City Hall gets Christmas after all. Last week, an archway sign with the title “Christmas Village in Philadelphia” was placed above an array of kiosks where Christmas-themed items are on sale at a plaza outside City Hall. After complaints, the city removed “Christmas” from the title, then […]
Canned and packaged food drive runs through Dec. 7
Families, parishes, Catholic schools, PREP (parish religious education programs) and other outreach organizations of the Archdiocese can help feed the hungry in the Philadelphia area this month.Nutritional Development Services of the Philadelphia Archdiocese invites everyone to participate in its non-perishable canned and packaged food drive through Tuesday, Dec. 7.Donations that will stock food cupboards and […]
Do you have a Christmas story from the Depression?
Readers who grew up during the Great Depression are asked to submit, in 300 words or less, their most cherished recollections of Christmases past.Growing up during the Great Depression, what is your most cherished Christmastime memory, what year was it and how old were you?What were your favorite family traditions at Christmastime?When did your family […]
Fulfillment found in service to noted addiction rehab
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T KING OF PRUSSIA — Karl Sprow, a community relations representative for Father Martin’s Ashley in Havre de Grace, Md., bases his own spirituality on the Serenity Prayer of American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr: “God grant me the serenity to change accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the […]
Thanksgiving Day football traditions run on
By John Knebels Sports Columnist Win a game, lose a coach. Well, the two aren’t exactly related, but that’s the way it went for Fairless Hills’ Conwell-Egan High School on Thanksgiving Day. A few minutes after celebrating the Eagles’ first victory of the season after nine losses, nine-year coach Kevin Kelly informed his players that […]
Anticipating the Lord
By Michelle Francl-Donnay O Lord, we look to you; your name and your title are the desire of our souls. My soul yearns for you in the night, yes, my spirit within me keeps vigil for you. — Isaiah 26:8b-9a. I’ve been suffering from an ear worm all afternoon, five measures of music that I […]
What’s wrong with ‘Christmas’ in Philadelphia?
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – The recent removal of the word “Christmas” from an array of kiosks where Christmas-themed items are on sale at a plaza outside City Hall is “very disappointing” and “a stark example of the secularization that is obscuring the true meaning of the Christmas season,” the Philadelphia Archdiocese […]
Christmas cards nourish body and soul
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – Christmas cards purchased through Nutritional Development Services (NDS) of the Philadelphia Archdiocese could help the needy of the Philadelphia area have a happy and hearty Christmas and New Year. “The alternative Christmas card project, now in its 28th year, continues to be a wonderful vehicle for many […]
Cardinal Rigali to host Feast of Seven Fishes
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Baccala, calamari, smelts, shrimp, mussels, clams, scungigli, oysters, you name it. You’ve got to love the Italians. Who else can turn a fast into a feast? It’s called the Feast of the Seven Fishes, and by tradition it was held on Christmas Eve or, liturgically-speaking, during the Christmas vigil. […]