
Pope’s comments in book stir debate

By John ThavisCatholic News Service VATICAN CITY – In a new book, Pope Benedict XVI said the use of condoms may be a sign of moral responsibility in some specific situations when the intention is to reduce the risk of AIDS. The Pope addressed the issue in the book-length interview, “Light of the World: The […]

Prayer vigil for unborn life opens Advent

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer At the request of Pope Benedict XVI, Catholics throughout the world will celebrate a vigil for the unborn Saturday, Nov. 27, the day before the first Sunday of Advent. Cardinal Justin Rigali has asked the priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese to gather their parishioners a half hour before the […]

CRS Fair Trade Christmas Sale Dec. 3 at the AOC

PHILADELPHIA – Catholic Relief Services’ Northeast Regional spanision of Radnor is conducting its annual Fair Trade Christmas Sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, in the auditorium of the Archdiocesan Office Center, 222 N. 17th St. in Philadelphia.Coffee, chocolate, crafts, jewelry, baskets and more, made possible through CRS’ fair trade project, are […]

Christmas cheer, prayer Dec. 5 at St. John of the Cross, Roslyn

ROSLYN – St. John of the Cross Parish in Roslyn, Montgomery County, will hold a family Advent celebration titled “Do You Hear What I Hear?” at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5, at St. John of the Cross Church and hall.The evening includes prayer, Christmas carols, the lighting of a Christmas tree on the church lawn, […]

Local Catholic grads play in Army-Navy game

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – Navy beat Army 31-17 as sophomore slot back John Howell, a 2009 alumnus of Lansdale Catholic High School, helped break a record for Navy in the 111th meeting between the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., Saturday, Dec. 11 […]

New teaching program benefits nine city schools

Alliance for Catholic Education at St. Joe’s U.By Jim GaugerSpecial to The CS&T How can we interest young college students to consider teaching in today’s Catholic schools? Well, if your name is Jesuit Father Daniel R. J. Joyce you do it with an ambitious program named the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) at St. Joseph’s […]

Operation Santa Claus revs up

Christmas charity drive needs volunteersBy Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Ribbons and scissors, reams of wrapping paper and rolls of tape will soon stock the headquarters of Operation Santa Claus, the annual children’s Christmas charity drive sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Youth and Young Adults (OYYA). The goal of the drive, now in its […]

North alumni committed to Catholic education

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Tyler Rutledge is a freshman at De Sales University in Center Valley, Pa.; Sarah Rzepczynski is a freshman at St. Hubert High School for Girls in Northeast Philadelphia; Emily Coleman is in sixth grade at St. Martin of Tours School in Philadelphia. All three are receiving Catholic education, at […]

Big gift sends 100 to Catholic schools

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA — Christmas came early for 100 children who, before Thanksgiving, could only have dreamed about attending a Catholic elementary school in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. Their Christmas miracle came in the form of a $750,000 scholarship bequest from the late Robert C. Dunn of Our Mother of Good Counsel […]

Twins spread joy, help Santa

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer One is more efficient when sorting presents, the other is a better gift wrapper, but twins Andrew and Nicholas Shafer are both equally enthused when it comes to making sure all kids receive a Christmas gift. The 18-year-old seniors from La Salle College High School in Wyndmoor, Montgomery County, […]