
Hamels visits St. Max to promote healthy habits

By Joanna ArmandiCS&T Sports Editor WEST CHESTER – Spring training is a little over a month away, but Phillies fever has spread early at St. Maximilian Kolbe School in West Chester thanks to eighth-grader Bernadette Tankle. Tankle, 14, had the winning essay in the “I Pitch for Dairy” contest sponsored by the Phillies, the Mid-Atlantic […]

Two decades as a ‘seminary mother’

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer WYNNEWOOD – A wife and mother of five grown daughters, the executive secretary of the Archdiocese’s Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary always believed she would have a son. God works in mysterious ways. “I always wanted a little boy,” said Lucille Nazzario, 68, […]

Catholic League boys basketball: Last year’s favorites are back again

John KnebelsSpecial to The CS&T Replete with talented players and a unified proud tradition, the Catholic League once again finds itself among the area’s high school basketball elite. After playing an average of five non-league games – some of them taking place during Christmas holiday tournaments – both the Red and Blue spanisions have commenced […]

Former Anglican nun now in full communion

By Sister Kathleen Leary, S.S.J.Special to The CS&T Most people celebrate Jan. 1 as the beginning of their new year. For Sister Elaine Swan, A.S.S.P., a new year began Sept. 3. On that date, Sister Elaine and eight other All Saints Sisters of the Poor, whose (Anglican) Provincial House is in Catonsville, Md., came into […]

Archdiocesan DVD focuses on local vocation stories

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer The night before young Federico Britto reported to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood to conduct the interview portion of his application to become a seminarian, he asked his father if he would drive him there. That was when the family and friends of now-Msgr. Britto, pastor of St. […]

Is your child considering a vocation?
‘Encourage them’ says mother of seminarian, nun

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T What are the odds, in this day and age, that in a family of three children, one would enter the convent and another the seminary? Toni (McGuire) Preston knew her daughter Sarah was considering the convent and her son, Tim, was considering the priesthood and she was fine with […]

Cardinal celebrates Mass for inmates

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Prison is definitely not a place anyone wants to be during the Christmas season. That in itself is an excellent reason why visitation, including Cardinal Justin Rigali’s annual visit to a local prison at Christmastide, is important. “I’m very thankful to be part of this,” said Peter, an inmate […]

Prayers from a battlefield

Philadelphia’s Father Joseph Coffey prays with soldiers fighting in AfghanistanBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Military chaplains stationed in the field are used to long days and often cover great distances as part of their ministry, but Christmas can be especially exhausting. Certainly, Lt. Commander Joseph Coffey, a Philadelphia priest and Navy chaplain serving with […]

Santa Claus enjoys gift-giving mission

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T “I really am Santa Claus,” he said. “Call me St. Nicholas or St. Nick if you like. “Never,” he added with a twinkle, “call me Old Nick. He’s quite a different fellow.” There he sat in his ermine-trimmed crimson suit and stocking cap, which by trick of the soft […]

State champs!

La Salle beats State College 24-7, wins first-ever state crown in Catholic League football history John KnebelsSpecial to The CS&T The fans who braved the elements Saturday afternoon were probably too frozen even to contemplate what they saw below. High school football players were frolicking in the snow. Some lay on the ground flapping their […]