
Wood headed to state semis after late game comeback

By Todd OrodenkerSpecial to The CS&T Jerry Rahill didn’t really know how to explain it. “(The play) just broke down,” he said in between stutters, pauses and I-can’t-believe-that-just-happened glances. “They covered it well, so I don’t know.” But the senior quarterback didn’t really need to say much. His play did all the talking. Rahill led […]

A wrapping Christmas ‘elf’

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer SPRINGFIELD – As a Santa’s helper, 18-year-old Julia McGrath is all set for the December duties and festivities that accompany the archdiocesan-sponsored Operation Santa Claus: collecting toys, cutting reams of wrapping paper, unraveling spools of curling ribbon, sorting, wrapping, bagging, boxing and delivering presents to children in need. A […]

Thanksgiving Day highlights across the league

By John KnebelsSpecial to The CS&T Thanksgiving Day is a time for visiting family and friends, relaxing as much as possible and eating more than you normally might. But for many Catholic high schools in the area, Thursday morning was a time to strap on some equipment, put on a jersey and play some serious […]

North over Frankford: ‘This was our championship’

John KnebelsSpecial to The CS&T La Salle, Archbishop Wood and West Catholic were technically the Catholic League football champions this year. But in the eyes and hearts of some fans, there was a fourth. On a much-anticipated Thanksgiving Day contest against rival Frankford before an overflow crowd at LaSalle University’s McCarthy Field, North Catholic used […]

Operation Santa Claus gets under way

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – The help of “elves” of all ages is needed for Operation Santa Claus, an annual outreach effort sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Youth and Young Adults (OYYA). Now in its 42nd year, Operation Santa Claus volunteers collect, wrap and deliver toys for more than 3,500 underprivileged […]

Cardinal leads call for Christian conscience in U.S.

Full text of Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscienceappears at the end of this story By Carol ZimmermannCatholic News Service WASHINGTON – More than 140 Christian leaders, including Cardinal Justin Rigali, issued a joint declaration Nov. 20 pledging renewed zeal in defending the unborn, defining marriage as a union between a man and a […]

Six principals honored for their leadership

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Six principals of parish elementary schools in the Archdiocese got an “A” on their report cards during an October principal’s conference. They were recognized as Distinguished Principals “for their compassion and willingness to learn the most current educational best practices and their dedication to passing those skills on to […]

Play about ‘Vianney’ hailed a success

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer HATBORO – “Vianney,” a dramatic one-man stage production depicting St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, the patron saint of all the world’s priests, received rave reviews at its archdiocesan premiere Monday night, Nov. 30, at St. John Bosco Church in Hatboro, Bucks County. “This play is an opportunity for the laity to […]

Built more with love than money

Our Lady of Fatima parishioners complete renovations to church By Lou BaldwinSpecial to the CS&T BENSALEM – When Cardinal Justin Rigali visited Our Lady of Fatima Church, Bensalem, Nov. 21 to celebrate Mass and bless the new altar it brought to fruition a truly group effort on the part of the parish. “Essentially it started […]

Couple are ‘heart and soul’ of parish

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T We really shouldn’t be writing about Patrick and Mary Ann Purcell. They never did anything that great and there are so many other people we could write about. That’s what they both say, but you be the judge. The Purcells, both 82, have been the heart and soul of […]