
Christmas Masses at the Cathedral Basilica

The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass schedule.

Put down the phone, look to God, look at others, pope tells kids

Pope Francis encouraged youngsters to put down their phones to spend time praying and looking at other people to see their needs.

Extension features Nativity art, letters by children of Ukraine, Uvalde

The cover of the winter issue of Catholic Extension's magazine is a colorful patchwork of Christmas drawings by children from Ukraine and Uvalde, Texas.

Heisman winner is much loved, respected alum of D.C.-area Catholic schools

Caleb Williams, the star quarterback at the University of Southern California who won the Heisman Trophy Dec. 10, earlier made his mark at two Washington-area Catholic schools he attended for middle school and high school.

Celebrate Christmas ‘with Ukraine in your hearts,’ pope says, urging aid

Celebrating Christmas is important and beautiful, Pope Francis said, but he asked people to spend less on their celebrations this year and donate the savings to help the people of Ukraine.

Saint Lucy students celebrate feast of patron with Mass, Christmas concert

Students at the Northeast Philadelphia school celebrated the feast of Saint Lucy with a special Mass Dec. 13

50 Catholic eighth graders named Neumann Scholars, awarded full high school scholarships

Scholarships to eighth grade students across the Philadelphia Archdiocese amount to a $1.75 million commitment from the Connelly Foundation.

Holy Cross students help feed the hungry and receive visit from the Phanatic in recognition of their efforts

Students and staff at Holy Cross Regional Catholic School in Collegeville recently enjoyed a surprise visit from the Phillies' Phanatic in recognition of their efforts to help feed our neighbors in need.

Philadelphia parishes to host youth Christmas concert

Saint Charles Borromeo Parish and Saint Michaels Parish both located in Philadelphia will host a youth Christmas concert to celebrate the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

Archdiocese announces relegation of worship sites in Chester, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced Dec. 11 that Archbishop Nelson Pérez has approved the relegation of the Sacred Heart, original Saint Philip Neri, Holy Trinity, and Saint Peter Claver church buildings to profane but not sordid use effective Jan. 23, 2023.