
Pope supports Jewish-Catholic project for social justice

A person who helps others but does not worship God is a "good atheist," while someone who claims to believe in God but does not do anything to help others "is a cynic, a liar," Pope Francis said.

Keep the creche in Christmas, pope urges

Stopping to gaze at and perhaps pray before a Nativity scene is one of the best ways to remember the real meaning of Christmas, Pope Francis said.

Being ‘inclusive’ of those with disabilities means valuing them, pope says

Making churches accessible and services understandable is important, but having wheelchair ramps and sign-language interpreters is not enough for a parish to call itself "inclusive," Pope Francis said.

New Regional Deans of the archdiocese gather for first meeting

On Dec. 1 Archbishop Pérez along with the new regional Deans of the archdiocese joined together for their first meeting of the College of Deans. 

Pastor reflects on 10th anniversary of Sandy Hook school shooting

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, there was an outpouring of generosity from all over the world. "We were overwhelmed with things people sent us, from ornaments and prayer chains to cards and donations," Msgr. Weiss said.

No heat, no electricity: Bishop warns of new wave of Ukrainian refugees

A Ukrainian bishop warned huge numbers of citizens could flee to Western countries during winter, and he appealed for continued international support in the face of a threatened "humanitarian catastrophe."

TV show about the Crusades premiers at Utah Catholic parish

The crusading King Richard the Lionheart came to St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church in Park City, Nov. 18, when "Knights of the Cross" premiered in the parish's gymnasium.

Migration must be managed, not stopped, pope tells European governments

The meeting Dec. 1-3 brought together representatives of the European Union and European countries on the Mediterranean with representatives from the Middle Eastern and North African nations that face the sea and that often are crossed by migrants and refugees seeking a better life in Europe.

Retirement Fund for Religious collection to be held weekend of Dec. 3-4

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will hold its annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection in parishes throughout the region Dec. 3-4.

Fatima Catholic Outreach Center celebrates recent upgrades, honors 150 volunteers

The Fatima Catholic Outreach Center hosted a celebration Nov. 19 marking the recent beautification and maintenances of its buildings and grounds.