
Vatican announces plans for Christmas tree, Nativity scene, stamps

The Nativity scene that will sit under a 98-feet-tall silver fir tree in the middle of St. Peter's Square this year will feature 19 life-sized figures carved in cedar by artisans in the northeastern Italian town of Sutrio.

Priest from Buffalo is on slow path to sainthood

Father Baker, who served at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Buffalo after his ordination in 1876, was beloved in his lifetime for his charitable efforts for the poor, including serving thousands of meals during the Great Depression.

St. Paul Parish in South Phila. to host Mario Lanza Concert Series

St. Paul Parish in South Phila. will kick off its inaugural neighborhood concert series on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. with a tribute to Mario Lanza.

Cross-country food donation fills shelves, and hearts

Nutritional Development Services recently received more than 37,000 pounds of goods from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, helping to restock pantries where client demand has surged.

Catholic voter information resources for the 2022 elections

In advance of Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 8, presents Catholic voter resources in preparation for the 2022 Pennsylvania General Election.

Baby shower celebrates Northeast Phila. moms

Expectant mothers and parents with young children were treated to a special afternoon thanks to a community baby shower hosted by archdiocesan Catholic Social Services.

Bishops urge Congress to be in ‘radical solidarity’ with mothers, children

The measures proposed by the chairmen of four U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' committees detail a "vision for an authentically life-affirming society."

Catholic Charities’ agencies continue to help Florida’s hurricane victims

Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice has set up several drive-thru emergency supply distribution sites throughout the affected areas.

Synod reports show enthusiasm for mission, but also identify obstacles

The reports sent to the Vatican from local and national listening sessions show "a deep, deep hunger for a new confidence in the church, a confidence in its ability to proclaim the Gospel to a world so deeply in need."

Bishop of Trenton, N.J., issues catechetical series on the Eucharist

Trenton Bishop David M. O'Connell has written a new catechetical series on the Eucharist as a resource for the eucharistic revival taking place in the U.S. over the next three years.