World Meeting of Families 2015

Transit plans during papal visit include road closures

Officials on Wednesday described a plan that included shutting portions of the Schuylkill Expressway to cars and outlining a center city "traffic box" during the Sept. 26-27 weekend. Bus transportation appeared the leading option for travelers.

Notre Dame grad designs sanctuary for papal Mass

James Lenahan won a nationwide design contest to create the stage for the Festival of Families and the site for Pope Francis' Mass to end his visit to Philadelphia and the U.S. Sept. 26-27.

Pope to America: Don’t take this the wrong way, but…

The U.S. ambassador to the Holy See believes Pope Francis is not traveling to the United States in September to scold anyone, but to challenge Americans to live up to their ideals.

Seeing love as the mission of the family

Read this month’s reflection on the preparatory catechesis for the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, this month showing how love can reorient a family to truth.

Taking the train to see the pope? Good luck

After its website buckled under the demand for one-day passes for the Sept. 26-27 visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia, SEPTA rolled out a random lottery to get the passes starting Monday, Aug. 3.

Road closure rumors are false, mayor says

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter debunked speculation on the Internet of closures for streets, bridges and highways in the city during the visit of Pope Francis in September. The rumors had “no basis in fact,” he said, and vowed official information would come next week.

Mobile app, film festival make September’s events more fun

Visitors coming to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families and papal visit can use a handy new app and enjoy 13 movies in a family-themed week-long series.

Two months and counting

The World Meeting of Families is a moment for new beginnings and a new spirit of hope, and it's coming soon, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput in his weekly column.

SEPTA details train travel plan for ‘Papal Passes’

If you’re planning on taking a train to Philadelphia to see Pope Francis in September, the special tickets you need will go on sale Monday, July 20, at 9 a.m.

Spreading word of the whats and hows of the World Meeting

Most already know about the coming World Meeting of Families and visit by Pope Francis, but a committee is working to let people know every detail for the September events.