
Choosing the right words in prayers of the Mass

From politics to the economy and even to the weather, America is in a time of change. The fair question remains, when is this country not changing? The same can be said of the Church: always faithful to Christ, yet always dynamic in response to the needs of people living their faith today. The Church […]

Church’s priorities can benefit America, too

The American people have elected Barack Obama president of the United States. Though racism remains in our culture, the election sends a signal that America finally has turned a corner in its painful history of race relations — from slavery to segregation to the opening of civil rights under the law to the call of […]

Making truthful choices of conscience

Making Sense out of BioethicsFather Tad Pacholczyk One recurrent theme in bioethical discussions is the idea that each of us possesses a basic awareness of the moral law. This distinctly human faculty, which Western culture has referred to as “conscience,” helps us to choose correctly when confronted with basic moral decisions. Even children, when taught […]

Step up and help a child

Catholic EducationBy Mary Rochford I recently had the opportunity to speak for three minutes on Fox News in the morning. As I drove to the station, I realized three minutes wasn’t much time to get a clear message across. When the camera pointed in my direction, there was so much I wanted to say. As […]

After joy of parade, citizens get to work

Sometimes events can surpass a weekly newspaper that prints early Wednesday morning each week. Take last week’s culmination of the World Series, won by the Phillies on Wednesday night; or this week’s election on Tuesday, the results of which emerged too late for inclusion in this edition. Nevertheless, this newspaper reports on one of the […]

Economic strains invite us into grace, gratitude

Guest ColumnistBy Msgr. Francis X. Meehan The past weeks have been disheartening. It is not only the meltdown of Wall Street that is of concern, but tragically, the hurt that hides beneath the radar of headlines – families with heartache, jobs lost, homes foreclosed, savings swept away. Inspaniduals, grandparents, college students – all are affected. […]

Prayers for America

A week from now citizens of our country will have elected a new president and numerous other officials down to the local levels. Before voting on Nov. 4, every American should be able to say that he or she studied the issues and the candidates as thoroughly as possible. This newspaper and numerous resources of […]

Spiritual profit results in shutting off Internet pornography

Guest ColumnistFather Leonard Peterson From time to time I experience writer’s block when I sit down to string some thoughts together each month that just might be of service to you. So I turn to those good folks who happen to have read a piece or two of my composing. I often ask them for […]

As election nears, remember to pray

In November of last year the Catholic Bishops of the United States presented Catholic voters a set of teachings with which to form consciences and support citizens living out the Gospel in public life. The result was “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” which all voters would benefit by studying at the web site faithfulcitizenship.org. Almost […]

Support for missions strong in Archdiocese

While the economy last year was experiencing the aches that have become today’s chronic pains, two extraordinary signs of generosity were emerging. To the tune of more than $1.5 million in 2007, Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia supported the missionary work of the universal Church through their donations. The sum includes $1.4 million for […]