Papal Visit

Scenes from Pope Francis’ visit to New York

The pope's two-day visit to the Big Apple preceded his stop in Philadelphia, which was the final leg of his first Apostolic visit to the United States.

In a first, Vatican flag flies over U.N. along with other nations’ flags

The Vatican is a permanent observer at the U.N. A resolution to fly the flags of permanent observers was introduced by Palestine, the only other permanent observer, and passed Sept 10.

Pope at 9/11 Memorial: Violence is never impersonal, always brings tears

NEW YORK (CNS) -- Honoring both the pain and the strength of the families of those who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and drawing on the pools of water that are part of the site's memorial, Pope Francis spoke about tears and quenching the world's longing for peace.

Pope Francis addresses United Nations in NYC

Read the texts of the pope's speeches to U.N. staff and to delegates in the U.N. General Assembly today in New York, in English and Spanish.

U.S. Jesuits speak of Pope Francis’ ‘servant leadership’

Jesuit Father Hernan Paredes recalled a roommate from the early 1980s, who "was ready to do our laundry, ready to cook for us ... ready to embrace us, cry with us." The roommate in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the early 1980s was also his superior and went on to become Pope Francis.

Exhibit hall displays religious artifacts found in rubble after 9/11

In the midst of Pope Francis' busy Big Apple tour, during which he'll mostly be surrounded by throngs of people, he may make a quiet stop in a small exhibit hall during his visit to the ground zero memorial Sept. 25.

People come first, human life is sacred, pope insists at U.N.

Dealing with war, development, the economy or environmental concerns, bureaucrats and diplomats always must remember that the lives of real children, women and men are at stake, Pope Francis told the United Nations.

Pope Francis preaches at New York cathedral

Read the text of the pope's address during Vespers Thursday evening at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan's words of welcome.

In New York, pope encourages men and women religious

During an evening prayer service at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, Pope Francis thanked the nation's priests, brothers and women religious, telling them, "Where would the church be without you?"

Pope challenged and inspired congressional leaders

As Pope Francis spoke to a joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24, the members of the House and Senate focused on the pontiff's heavily accented English speech.