Photo features

Mass for the Puerto Rican Community

Archbishop Nelson Pérez was the main celebrant among many concelebrating clergy for the Sept. 24 Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.

Catholic Medical Association joins in prayer at St. Alphonsus

Members of the organization met for Mass Sept. 25 at the parish in Maple Glen as Archbishop Nelson Perez was the main celebrant, along with the pastor, priests and deacons serving at the altar.

Sisters, priests, brothers celebrate anniversaries of religious life

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez was the main celebrant at the annual religious jubilarians' Mass of thanksgiving for those celebrating significant anniversaries of religious life.

A blessed beginning to school year at St. Bernadette’s

Archbishop Nelson Pérez greeted students and staff during a Sept. 22 to the Delco school, offering a message of hope as class resumes amid COVID.

St. Philip Neri Parish prayerfully marks 75th anniversary

Archbishop Nelson Pérez joined the clergy and parishioners of the Lafayette Hill, Montgomery County parish in celebrating its milestone moment Sept. 13.

St. Rocco Parish welcomes archbishop for confirmation

The Avondale parish for Hispanic Catholics hosted a visit by Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez, who administered the sacrament of confirmation for young people.

24 men receive ministry of acolyte at St. Charles Seminary

The men, including 14 seminarians and deacon candidates for the Philadelphia Archdiocese, are empowered to distribute holy Communion. The liturgy was postponed from last May.

Catholic high schools kick off new academic year

Students at the high schools returned to class in person last week for the first time since last March. See Archbishop Perez's visit to a Bucks County school and a welcome at a Montgomery county school.

West Catholic hosts visit by Archbishop Perez, kicks off new year

Archbishop Nelson Perez was on hand Sept. 9 at West Catholic Preparatory High School in Philadelphia to welcome back students for the first day of the new school year.

Back to school in 2020 mixes precaution with excitement

Schools across the Archdiocese of Philadelphia returned to classes fully this week, welcoming students to in-person instruction and, for those who wished it, virtual participation.