Photo features

Social distance doesn’t keep man from entering Catholic Church

Eric Germiller became Catholic during a private Mass May 23 at St. John Chrysostom Church, Wallingford. The Mass was celebrated by his pastor, Father Edward Hallinan, a few family members and Germiller's fiancee.

From fields of Philly and Georgia, D’Andre Swift heading to NFL

St. Joseph's Prep star and University of Georgia standout D'Andre Swift fulfilled his dream of becoming a pro football player when he was drafted in the NFL last month. See a photo recap of his Prep career.

‘Reverse graduation’ at Nativity School celebrates 8th graders

As the families of students at the Warminster school drove them through the campus, they found their teachers and school staff waving them on, all while observing social distancing guidelines.

A century ago, seminarians responded to pandemic

Volunteers from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary rolled up their sleeves to bury those who had died from the influenza pandemic of 1918. See our photo gallery from the archdiocesan archives.

Students end up with pie on their face for Pi Day at St Elizabeth School

On Friday, March 13 Saint Elizabeth School held its 13th Annual Pi Day in celebration of mathematics, a day ahead of the official 3/14 observance of “Pi Day". Students in grades Kindergarten-eight participated in school-wide afternoon activities culminating with an end of day assembly and pie eating contest between teachers and students.

1,500 men show up for Man Up Philly

Men of all ages, backgrounds and vocations came together for the region's largest annual men's spirituality conference March 7, retired Philadelphia Eagles tight end Brent Celek and other speakers, plus Archbishop Perez celebrating Mass.

Across the Aisles: Little Flower High School

The archdiocesan high school in the Juniata Park neighborhood of North Philadelphia hosted a visit March 5 by Archbishop Nelson Perez, who celebrated Mass for the school community.

Hispanic Family Day at St. Charles Seminary

Some 125 young Hispanic men and their families got an inside look at the life of a seminarian, and a possible priestly vocation, on Sunday, March 8.

A Lenten blessing: CRS Rice Bowl

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s 45th annual CRS Rice Bowl initiative kicked off with a Feb. 21 blessing at the community food pantry at Our Lady of Hope Parish in North Philadelphia.

Ready to receive sacraments, they join prayers with archbishop

Archbishop Nelson Perez led three ceremonies for the Rite of Election and Continuing Call to Conversion last weekend for 163 catchumens and 281 candidates representing 96 parishes in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.