
Inside CatholicPhilly.com: End of life decisions and documents

What are living wills, advance directives and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment? Steve Bozza, director of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's Office for Life and Family, shares a Catholic perspective on making informed and compassionate end-of-life decisions.

Evil is real, but Christ’s love is more powerful

In an age of science and reason, we tend to "domesticate demons," says Father Matt Guckin. But throughout the Gospels, Jesus confronts the powers of darkness, and he enables us to do the same.

Mary is a model of ‘holy ambition’

The Blessed Mother shows us how to strive for God's glory, not our own, says Father Matt Guckin. The church, wounded by scandal, needs this selfless zeal more than ever.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Anthem and a new way to reach youth

Sharing the Gospel with youth in an always-on, largely unchurched culture requires a new form of outreach. The team from Anthem, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's youth and young adult ministry, talks with producer Gina Christian about their fresh approach to faith.

To keep your faith in troubled times, live it out

When crisis and hardship cool our fervor for God, we can stir love into flame by taking concrete action to live out the call of the Gospel, says Father Matt Guckin.

Active listening allows us to hear both God and each other

In an age of nonstop noise and debate, it's hard to hear, says Father Matt Guckin. Yet Scripture calls us to listen deeply, without judgment or interruption, so that we can discern the Lord's will and work for peace.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: ‘Unbound’ and the five keys to freedom

Have you ever felt trapped by past hurts and resentments? Meghan Cokeley of the archdiocesan Office for the New Evangelization shares how "five keys to freedom" found in Scripture can open the door to an "unbound" life.

‘Spiritual but not religious’ misses our bond to God and others

People's rejection of religion misunderstands how God's laws aim to keep us from our own destructive behaviors and bound more closely to himself and to one another, says Father Matt Guckin in his weekly podcast.

Do you also want to leave?

Father Matt Guckin hears an echo from the Gospel discourse on the Bread of Life in the latest response to the abuse scandal: People are leaving the church, and away from an invitation to union with Jesus Christ.

Christ challenges us to believe in him fully, or not at all

Quoting author C.S. Lewis, Father Matt Guckin says that the mystery of the Eucharist presents three ways of looking at Jesus -- as a liar, a lunatic or the Lord himself, who gave his life for the world.