Pope Francis

Eucharist Satisfies Hunger for Hope, Truth, Salvation, Pope Says

When receiving the Eucharist, Catholics should respond with gratitude and awe that Jesus offers himself as nourishment and salvation, Pope Francis said.

Pope Praises Prayerful Solidarity with Persecuted Christians

Christians are called to be close to their brothers and sisters in the faith, especially to those who are wounded by "injustice, abuse, hatred," Pope Francis said.

On Assumption, Pope Entrusts War-Torn Countries to Mary’s Care

Mary is not a "motionless wax statue," but a disciple who wants to share the good news of Jesus with everyone and reaches out to help and comfort them, Pope Francis said.

Life’s ‘Final Exam’ Will Be on Care for Poor, Pope Says

God will not judge people by how many university degrees they earned, but by how well they cared for the poor, Pope Francis told a group of priests and religious women.

Vatican Secretary of State Asks Iranian President for Restraint

As the world braced for Iran to retaliate for the assassination of a Hamas leader who was staying in the Iranian capital, the Vatican secretary of state pleaded with Iran's new president not to escalate the Middle East conflict.

Prejudices Obstruct True Faith, Pope Says

Prejudices and preconceptions can block people from finding faith, Pope Francis said, even to the point of making them unable to recognize God standing before them.

Pope Thanks Knights of Columbus, Asks Them to Keep Praying for Peace

Praising the 2.1 million members of the Knights of Columbus for their faith, charity and defense of life, Pope Francis asked them to continue to pray and work for peace.

Pope’s World Peace Day Message to Focus on Hope, Forgiveness

The annual celebration of the World Day of Peace during the Holy Year 2025 will be inspired by "the concepts of hope and forgiveness" -- including the forgiveness of foreign debt -- "which are at the heart of the Jubilee," the Vatican said.

Pope Prays for Peace, Calls for End of Discrimination in Afghanistan

Meeting leaders of the Afghan community in Italy, Pope Francis condemned violence and discrimination based on religion and later asked people to pray for an end to discrimination in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan, particularly discrimination against women.

Grace Should Cause Awe, Like a Summer Snowfall Would, Pope Says

Whether or not Mary caused snow to fall in Rome on a summer day more than 1,600 years ago, Christians know that God's grace is always undeserved, always beautiful and literally awesome, Pope Francis said.