Pope Francis
Modern War is ‘Crime Against Humanity,’ Pope Says
With massive civilian deaths and the destruction of cities and their infrastructure, modern "war is in itself a crime against humanity," Pope Francis said.
The Sick, and the World, Need ‘Therapy’ of Love, Pope Says in Message
The "first therapy" that must be offered to the sick, and to the world, is a dose of closeness, friendship and love, Pope Francis said in his message for the World Day of the Sick.
Pope Calls for Investing in Preservation of Church’s Audiovisual Archives
There is a growing and urgent need to invest in and plan concrete initiatives to preserve and share the Catholic Church's rich but fragile audiovisual heritage, Pope Francis said.
Sharing Stories of Faith Draws Christians Closer to One Another, Pope Says
A key step in the search for Christian unity is getting to know people of other churches and denominations and coming to appreciate their faith and spirituality, Pope Francis told a group of Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox students studying at Catholic universities in Rome.
No Small Thing: Praying The Rosary Is Great in God’s Eyes, Pope Says
It may seem insignificant to some, but praying the rosary every day is huge in the eyes of God, Pope Francis told an association of laywomen dedicated to the Holy Family and prayer.
Gluttony Turns People Into Mere Consumers, Exploiters Of Planet, Pope Says
One of the most dangerous vices is gluttony, turning people who are meant to be custodians of creation into mere consumers and even exploiters and predators, Pope Francis said.
Pope To Diplomats: End Savagery Of War With Dialogue, Human Rights
During his annual New Year's address to diplomats accredited to the Holy See, Pope Francis said the path to peace requires respecting every human life, "starting with the life of the unborn," and that greater efforts are needed to prevent conflict and war through dialogue, disarmament, and respect for human rights.
Faith Is A Gift To Celebrate, Pope Says As He Baptizes Babies
In the Sistine Chapel, where popes are elected, Pope Francis baptized 16 infants, who, he said, "give us the witness of how to receive the faith: with innocence and with an open heart."
Faithful Must Put Jesus, Not Ideology, In Spotlight, Pope Says
Instead of splitting into ideological groups, members of the Catholic Church need to put God front and center, not their own personal ideas and plans, Pope Francis said.
Giving Is Not Enough, People Must Also ‘Touch Poverty,’ Pope Says
Giving to others in need is not enough; people must look those they help in the eyes and be willing to touch their poverty with their hands and hearts, Pope Francis said.