Pope Francis

Hope is an ‘Active Virtue’ that Makes Good Things Happen, Pope Says

The "most beautiful gift" the Catholic Church and its members can give the world is a reason to live with hope, Pope Francis said.

Thanking Donors for Vatican Creche, Christmas Tree, Pope Prays for Peace

"With tears in our eyes, let us raise our prayer for peace," Pope Francis said as he thanked the people of Bethlehem and Palestinian authorities for a Nativity scene to decorate the Vatican audience hall.

Pope Asks That Theology Be ‘Accessible,’ Not Polarizing

Theology should serve as a guiding companion for those seeking meaning and truth, particularly during life's pivotal moments, Pope Francis said, calling on theologians and theology faculties to expand their outreach.

Amid Christmas and Jubilee Preparations, Prepare Your Hearts, Pope Says

With the city of Rome presenting a gauntlet of major roadworks and construction projects ahead of the opening of the Holy Year 2025, Pope Francis used the disruptions as an opportunity to encourage people to do some spiritual renovation before the jubilee.

New Cardinals from 17 Nations are Called to Build Church Unity, Pope Says

Becoming a cardinal is an insistent call to put Jesus at the center of one's life, to love the poor as he did and to strengthen the bonds of unity within the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said as he created 21 new cardinals from 17 nations.

Vatican Launches Virtual College of Cardinal ‘Dashboard’

Anyone interested in Catholic Church can now see a detailed, interactive breakdown of the body that will elect the next pope.

‘Pilgrims of Hope’: Vatican Prepares to Welcome Millions for Holy Year

The celebration of a Holy Year every 25 years is an acknowledgment that "the Christian life is a journey calling for moments of greater intensity to encourage and sustain hope as the constant companion that guides our steps toward the goal of our encounter with the Lord Jesus," Pope Francis wrote.

Homilies Must Be Short, About Jesus, Inspired by the Spirit, Pope Says

Homilies must be prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit, be shorter than 10 minutes and put the spotlight on the Lord, not oneself, Pope Francis said.

Preparations Begin for Opening Holy Doors at Vatican, Rome Basilicas

Hours after the last visitors and pilgrims left St. Peter's Basilica for the day, a chisel clanged and dust flew as a group of prelates chanted their prayers before a simple wall marked with a cross.

Lighten Burdens by Making Room for the Lord, Pope Says at Angelus

Despite the problems and worries in the world, Jesus invites Christians to look toward heaven, trust in his saving love and make room for him in order to find hope again, Pope Francis said.