
Third week of Lent: Give the spiritual journey more time

Like the gardener of the Gospel story who pleads for one more year to make a tree fruitful, so we are called to try new approaches on our path to holiness. See our latest package of Lenten Resources.

Ways to accompany hurting people: A spirituality

When all our efforts fail, we can feel disheartened and surrender hope. But David Gibson suggests we consider God's ways and let go of our self-sufficiency. If we start to listen in prayer, we will be surprised.

God says yes to our biggest questions

Will I be happy? Will I be loved? Am I capable? Am I worthy? These are the questions college students face, and a young campus minister helps them to hear God while walking with Christ to his cross.

The call to repentance, not to judgment

In the Gospel for this Sunday, people here were looking outside themselves to blame someone for tragic events. Jesus shifts the question from blame to repentance which we need to thrive, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Third Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Reflect on this Sunday's Scriptures with our commentaries and podcasts.

Worrying over candy in Lent, and ‘one world religion’

Father Kenneth Doyle in his weekly Q&A explains how one can break a Lenten sacrifice during the Sundays of Lent, but shouldn't, and clarifies one person's misperception of the pope's letter with Muslims.

Mary, Heart of the Mystical Body – Week 2

In the second of a seven-part series, Sister Constance Veit shares how devotion to the seven sorrows of Mary can deepen our understanding of God's love, while nurturing faith in our youth. Follow along with a video.

Pope: Imitate God by being merciful to others

The season of Lent is a time for Christians to reflect on and practice the mercy of God toward others and not waste away sitting in judgment of others, Pope Francis said.

Accompanying youth this Lent, with Mary

The mother of Jesus is the perfect guide for our Lenten journey, especially for youth, since she pondered God's word and served others, writes Sister Constance Veit.

Mary, Heart of the Mystical Body – Week 1

In the first of a seven-part series, Sister Constance Veit shares how devotion to the seven sorrows of Mary can deepen our understanding of God's love, while nurturing faith in our youth. Follow along with a video and directions for praying this form of the rosary.