
Generous service brings abundant blessings, pope says

God accomplishes great things when Christians cast aside doubt and generously place themselves in his service, Pope Francis said.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Life has meaning when given with love to others, pope says in homily

A life lived selfishly, corruptly or filled with hate is a life that is useless, shrivels up and dies, Pope Francis said in a morning homily.

The wisdom of excommunication, and of 10-minute homilies

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader's question about how excommunicating a politician (i.e., New York's governor) works, and Pope Francis' call for brief homilies and attentive listeners.

Poverty, humility needed to heal wounded hearts, pope says

Those who proclaim the Gospel must embrace humility and poverty to give an authentic witness to faith and not use others to climb the ladder of success, Pope Francis said.

Changed by Mass, we are sent to transform the world

The final installment of a seven-part series on the Mass looks at how the Eucharist equips us for service to God and one another as missionary disciples of Christ.

Mass has ended – now what?

After celebrating the Eucharist, we are blessed to "go in peace," seeking the guidance of the Spirit in serving others and letting others serve us.

Mass, a hurricane of grace, draws us out of the eye of ‘I’

Just as bread and wine are transformed at Mass into the body and blood of Christ, a priest is forever changed by tending the flock entrusted to him.

Following Jesus is a daily choice, pope tells religious at Vatican

Christians truly encounter Jesus through concrete events in life that occur "every day; not every now and then," the pope said in his homily for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day for Consecrated Life.

World needs courageous prophets, pope says at Angelus

All men and women, especially those who are suffering, can gain hope by encountering "people who are courageous and persevering in responding to the Christian vocation," the pope said before reciting the Angelus Feb. 3 with people gathered in St. Peter’s Square.