
How lay people can make the Word of God come alive

For more than 50 years Daniel Mulhall has been proclaiming the Scriptures at Mass, ever since the Second Vatican Council. He studies the words, their context and his delivery, all to help listeners.

Week-long work goes into homily prep for, and with, parishioners

A Catholic pastor tells of his daily steps every day to write the homily he gives to his congregation on Sundays. Along the way, he listens to people's thoughts on the Gospel's message for today.

Transformation of our lives better than the best wine

"Do whatever (Jesus) tells you," Mary advises, before Jesus changes water into wine. Our response is to listen to the Word, an invitation to let God change our lives and become the persons he has called us to be, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Entering into the Mass, an encounter with God

In the second of a series on the Catholic liturgy discover how in the liturgy's opening moments we get ready for all that follows, and how we can better appreciate our encounter with Christ in the Liturgy of the Word.

The introductory rites: Call to communion and community

The entrance, the greeting, the penitential act, the Gloria, the Kyrie and the collect (opening prayer) -- set the tone for listening to the word of God and celebrating the Eucharist.

With a thankful heart: The Liturgy of the Word

The readings from Scripture that we hear at every Mass help us to know to Word of God -- Christ himself -- which is why we respond, Thanks be to God." See three tips to be more receptive to the Word.

Lord’s Prayer is reaching out for father’s loving embrace, pope says

People who have become estranged from God, feel lonely or are paralyzed by guilt can "find the strength to pray" by starting with the word, "Father," spoken with the tenderness of a child, Pope Francis said.

Footprints tell of where we’ve been, where we’re going

Where our feet have trod give witness to our being: I was here; I left a mark. Our wanderings, writes Gina Christian, in turn mark us: calluses on our soles and souls. In this new year let us walk in the unseen Lord's paths.

Jesus’ baptism invites us to reaffirm our oneness with God

Having received the light of Christ, we must proclaim the good news of salvation with our very lives, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Daily prayer helps us tend the fire of God's love in our hearts.