
The mystery of the Trinity invites us into a relationship of love

The triune nature of God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- transcends human intellect, and can only be glimpsed through signs and symbols, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Through Christ, we enter into this profound reality as children of God.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Cheating workers out of just wages, benefits is mortal sin, pope says

Jesus did not mince words when he said, "Woe to you who are rich," after listing the Beatitudes as written according to St. Luke, the pope said in a morning homily.

‘Lead us not’ into sausage on Ash Wednesday

Father Ken Doyle replies to two letter writers who wonder about problematic words in the Lord's Prayer and what happens if one forgets about the Lenten abstinence from meat halfway through breakfast.

Church is a mother, not a bachelor, pope says at morning Mass

Without its feminine dimension, the Catholic Church risks becoming an old boy's club and incapable of love, Pope Francis said.

On Pentecost, recognize Holy Spirit’s gifts in your life

In a world of confusion, there is a way out of the anxiety. The Holy Spirit is a source for direction, for peace and for joy that we can tap into, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on Pentecost Sunday.

Pentecost: Filled with the Spirit

The church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit in the feast of Pentecost this Sunday, May 20. Discover the history and spirituality at the root of this "birthday of the church" through our package of stories and a podcast.

Thanks to the Spirit, fruits of Pentecost grow in us

Bearing the fruit of a virtuous life is not in our power alone -- we can't give what we don't have -- but by growing in the Holy Spirit that moves in our lives, we can bear much good fruit.

The evolution of Pentecost

Pentecost was the decisive event in the early church, the motivation for the apostles to preach fearlessly about Jesus and his redemptive mission and the inspiration for centuries of art and music.

A heart renewed is the promise of Pentecost

Christian spirituality focuses the mind on all the richness found beneath whatever is most readily visible to us. The Spirit's coming sets in motion a journey into holiness, for everyone.