
Women, sports and spirituality

This year's March Madness collegiate basketball tournament showcased women with confidence, strength and zeal who captured the nation's attention when the men and their brackets usually rule.

‘Play reminds us of joy, the joy of the Lord’

Now that two Catholic schools, Notre Dame University and Villanova University, have won the Division I national championships in women's and men's basketball, perhaps it is time to give some thought to what difference a Catholic approach to sport makes.

Sports and spirituality: Run so as to win

Sports -- professional, amateur and recreational -- are a big part of the culture in America and worldwide. Our package of reflections on the topic examines the healthy link between the physical and the spiritual.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

We are family, following the Good Shepherd

Msgr. Joseph Prior looks at the Fourth Sunday of Easter and the image of Jesus as an extraordinary shepherd. The love poured out in Christ Jesus now makes us sons and daughters of the one Father.

Don’t be ‘couch potatoes,’ get up and evangelize, pope says

Christians must be willing to move where the Spirit leads them and not be benchwarmers on the sidelines of efforts to evangelize, Pope Francis said.

Did Pope Francis really say there is no hell?

Father Ken Doyle addresses an Italian journalist's claim that the pontiff recently denied the existence of hell. He didn't. In response to another reader, Father Doyle tells what it takes to become a confirmation sponsor.

Church needs prophets, not critics, pope says at morning Mass

A prophet must always be person who not only "is able to cry for his people, but also capable of taking risks to speak the truth," the pope said in his homily April 17 at morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae.

We are formed for friendship with God and with each other

Scripture and saints attest to the holiness of true communion with God and with one another. In this set of articles, we examine what it means to be a friend from a Christian perspective.

Holy friendship is ‘a remnant of paradise’

Scripture and saints attest to the virtuous companionship that deepens our bonds with each other and with God.