
Bless us, O Lord, so we may ‘live long and prosper’

Americans count their many blessings on Thanksgiving Day. But an ancient gesture, courtesy of Spock via “Star Trek” and Jewish worship, reminds Gina Christian that blessings are about relationships, not things.

Gratitude and good food makes a happy Thanksgiving

See our series on Thanksgiving Day including a look at the day's pervasive sense of holiness and community, an appreciation of the local foods you can spread upon your table and the biblical roots of an attitude of gratefulness.

Make your holiday holy, and maybe learn something new

It might not be an official "holy day," but for Father Herb Weber, a spirit of holiness pervades the day whose centerpiece is giving thanks, discovering unity and reaching out to others with traditions old and new.

Imitate the first Thanksgiving table by going local

What today we call the slow food movement has its roots in hunter-gatherer and small-farm communities -- like those of the grateful early settlers. See our recipe for locally sourced chestnut and sausage stuffing.

Look to the Psalms as models for gratitude

Saying "thank you" not only shows consideration for the one who gave a gift or did a favor, it also promotes mental health by cultivating the habit of gratefulness for all things, writes Nancy de Flon, who also offers a prayer of thanksgiving.

Jesus offers an excellent return on investment for faithful stewards

The parable of the talents illustrates how richly the Lord has blessed us, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. By using the gifts we have been given to build God's kingdom, we reap an eternal and priceless reward.

Readings of the holy Mass – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Live today like it might be your last, pope says

During this month when the church asks us to reflect on eternal life, Pope Francis said it is easy to get caught up in daily routines and think "it will always be this way." But for everyone, Jesus will say, "Come with me."

God’s kingdom is not flashy show, but grows silently within, pope says

God works in ways that are small and hidden and grow silently until they give fruit, Pope Francis said.

Praying for Judas Iscariot’s soul is an ‘admirable compassion’

Father Ken Doyle helps a reader understand the effectiveness of her prayers, if not for the man who betrayed Jesus, then for someone else. The priest also offers an update, and a remembrance, of a hoped-for-saint.