
Love provides the courage needed to fulfill our mission as Christ’s disciples

Jesus' love for the Father enabled him to complete his journey to the cross, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior, reflecting on the readings for this Sunday's Mass. This same love gives us the strength to follow in his footsteps by laying down our own lives for others.

When traveling abroad on a holy day, should you find a Mass or not?

So that we don't need to learn another country's rules for attending Mass on a holy day of obligation, the church proposes we follow the rule for the country in which we live permanently, explains Father Ken Doyle.

Readings of the holy Mass – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Does the Church permit recreational marijuana use?

Father Kenneth Doyle responds to a reader asking for the Church's take on recreational marijuana use, and advises another reader on the validity of her husband's former non-Catholic marriage.

The sacred act of dishwashing

Cleaning up after meals can be a distasteful chore -- or an ordinary moment filled with extraordinary grace, as Laura Kelly Fanucci writes.

When we identify Jesus as Lord we grow closer to him, as Peter did

Jesus sees the work of the Father when Peter calls Christ "the Son of the living God," explains Msgr. Joseph Prior, writing on this Sunday's Gospel. Peter's profession becomes ours as well, drawing us into the love of God.

When the silence of God meets our life’s unfinished symphony

We often think the fullness of joy is ours to claim if we pray hard enough, writes Gina Christian. When God doesn't answer as we'd like, we should remember only Christ’s love makes this moment worth living, and eternity worth seeking.

Readings of the holy Mass – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Community as a source of strength and solidarity

While we all need time alone, our solitude is meant to renew us for communal life, writes Effie Caldarola. Jesus reminds us of the importance of being in relationship with one another.

Is it harder for Catholics to get to heaven?

Given their rich sacramental and theological tradition, are Catholics expected to "do more" to attain eternal life? Father Ken Doyle discusses how salvation is worked out, and also advises if priests can refuse to baptize children born out of wedlock.