That hammering sound? It’s the Psalms, bending hearts to God’s mercy
Michelle Francl-Donnay's travel woes were a mild trial compared to some, but whether it's refugees on the run or Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, divine mercy endures amidst difficulties -- forever.
All things speak of God: Spirituality in our time
It's hard to describe precisely Christian spirituality, even though many people talk about it. Two writers -- Jesuit Father James Martin and Pope Francis -- explain facets of God's relationship with us.
Lent lessons from St. Francis
This Lent, let's try to imitate the goodness and virtue of St. Francis of Assisi, with a focus on creation. Nature provided an entree for Francis into a life based on the Gospel and other teachings of Scripture.
The presence of God in all creation
In a world beset with serious environmental issues, St. Francis serves as a model for living simply, with respect for God's gifts and creatures. Lenten sacrifice is not about giving up but giving over our life to God's will.
To gain more youths, should Sunday Mass obligation be dropped?
Father Ken Doyle explains to a reader why we're obligated to attend Mass. While it is a not a verbatim command from Jesus, attendance should be encouraged through good example and good liturgy.
Pray with Pope Francis in February
Watch a video of the pope's February prayer intention for care of creation, and see our prayer resources.
This Lent, put your ear to God’s heart
Mercy is the beating heart of the Gospel, notes Michelle Francl-Donnay. She finds the rhythm of mercy pulsing in the psalms and turns to them, as Jesus did, to provide solace and strength every day.
To share the good news, first step into your inner room of prayer
Chris Stefanik points to the great saints who changed the world, and says our journey to holiness must be first an interior one in prayer. He suggests a short prayer for someone every day of Lent, starting on Ash Wednesday.
Let this year be a time of pardon and peace for you
Seminarian Eric Banecker encourages everyone to take advantage of Christ’s gift of mercy by going to the sacrament of penance, even if it has been many years since going to confession. Follow our series on the Year of Mercy.
Husband doesn’t know he’s dying; when should wife call for anointing?
Father Ken Doyle replies creatively to a dilemma of when and how a man's wife might ask a priest to anoint her husband, who has terminal cancer.