
Best legacy to leave behind is personal witness to Christ, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Despite personal failings and sins, Christians must live and die with hope, leaving behind a legacy of having trusted fully in God, Pope Francis said.

Pope: Don’t skip Sunday Mass; people need communion with God, church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- It's so important to go to Mass every Sunday because that's where people receive Christ who saves, forgives and unites everyone to his father, church and each other, Pope Francis said.

Pope: Sacrifice key to reaping wealth of God’s love, fighting misery

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In his first message for Lent, Pope Francis called on Christians to follow Jesus courageously as they seek out the poor and sinners, and to make difficult sacrifices in order to help and heal others. Lent begins March 5 for Latin-rite Catholics.

Pope Francis’ message for Lent 2014: An invitation to evangelical poverty in our time

Vatican Information Service released the full text of the pope's message for Lent, titled “He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.”

Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for February

Pope Francis' universal prayer intention for February is: “That the Church and society may respect the wisdom and experience of older people.” His intention for evangelization is: “That priests, religious, and lay people may work together with generosity for evangelization.”

Temptation is a fact of life; no one is immune to sin, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Temptation is a normal part of life's struggle, and anyone who claims to be immune from it is either a little angel visiting from heaven or "a bit of an idiot," Pope Francis said.

Daughter joins Protestant church, dad wrings his hands

A Catholic father is kept up at night over his Catholic daughter marrying a Lutheran man. Rest easily, advises Father Ken Doyle, since her apparently devout Christian faith and marriage can lead her to heaven.

Pope: Better to eat humble pie than let anger harden the heart

Holding onto one's hatred and anger, instead of taking the first step toward peace, only renders people "isolated in this bitter broth of our resentment," Pope Francis said at a morning Mass Jan. 24.

Make the choice to walk in hope

Columnist Father William Byron, S.J., writes that hope is the pillar of the world. Because of it, the person of hope is a lot stronger than he or she might think.

How to fit pre-Cana prep in a long-distance romance

Father Ken Doyle advises a man who wants to marry a woman from the Philippines back in the U.S. that it might not take a six-month preparation process prior to the Catholic wedding. Also, he suggests teaching children a neglected prayer to God: an act of thanksgiving.