
Readings of the Holy Mass: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Woe to the complacent who close the door to love

Msgr. Joseph Prior draws out the theme of this Sunday's readings for Mass, especially with the parable of the rich man and Lazarus: a complacent person numbed by riches can miss the chance to offer charity.

Tell your story of God’s love in your life

Cathy Peacock's life changed when she accepted that God wants to reveal himself to everyone, and she began her personal encounter with Christ. She urges everyone to share their own stories of faith.

A lifetime isn’t long enough for love

Clocks, calendars and time itself mean nothing to those who have truly fallen in love, writes Gina Christian. The Lord knows that same desire, and he aches for us to share it.

Cultivating women leaders in the church

Women have played essential roles in salvation history, with Mary as the foremost among them. In this set of articles from our partner Catholic News Service, we take a closer look at how the unique gifts and talents of women can more fully serve the Gospel mission.

Women are essential to the future of a vibrant church

In the face of both crisis and social challenge, the church needs the prophetic, experienced perspective of women more than ever. Pastoral, apostolate and diocesan positions all benefit when women are given a voice in leadership and decision-making.

How the church can invest in young women leaders

Investing in young women leaders is a win-win for the church -- a proactive strategy that will meet coming challenges, and a response to the Holy Spirit’s prompting for a deeper understanding of how women can make God more visible in the world.

Jury still out on Medjugorje, but it’s a place of prayer, grace

Father Ken Doyle explains the Vatican's current position on the alleged historical and current visitations of Mary in the Bosnian town. And in reply to a reader, he reviews the history of the true cross.

Healing the body of Christ at the cellular level

A wounded church needs a diagnosis at the microscopic level, writes Gina Christian. Only by examining our own lives can we hope to treat the infections that attack us as individuals and as a community of faith.

Is voting for pro-abortion candidate a mortal sin?

Father Kenneth Doyle advises several readers on the issue of casting the ballot for candidates who support abortion. In response to another reader, he clarifies whether the faithful should stand or kneel to receive holy Communion.