
How many times are we judged after we die?

Father Kenneth Doyle clarifies the departed soul's agenda, and how it relates to the final judgment at the end of the world. In response to another question, he advises a reader on Catholic film reviews.

Trinity Sunday invites us to celebrate our relationship with the Lord

Pondering the mystery of the triune God draws us more deeply into his love, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Through Jesus, we come to know the Father, who sends his Spirit to help us grow as human beings, interconnected with one another.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Let’s share our joy of knowing God

Cathy Peacock knows for sure God loves us and wants to help us, as she offers her witness of that miraculous encounter. And she wants you to share your witness of God too -- drop her a message.

Finding the Lord’s plan for your life

What has God called you to do? In this set of articles from our partner Catholic News Service, we explore several aspects of discernment, the process through which one comes to know how best to respond to the Lord's invitation to love and serve him.

A prayer for discernment

Writer Effie Caldarola offers a heartfelt petition for the soul who seeks to understand and fulfill God's unique call for each believer. Honesty, courage and trust are crucial in tracing the path to a life of communion with the Lord and with others.

Discernment is listening for God in the real world

Prayer and action go hand in hand when you are trying to understand God’s will for your life. Through reflection, Scripture and engagement with others, the Lord's voice can be heard, and peace can be found when we respond to his call.

Holy Spirit ‘brings order to our frenzy,’ pope says

During a Pentecost homily, Pope Francis said that the Holy Spirit is a "specialist in creating diversity, richness" while also bringing harmony and unity to diversity. Humble service to others is evidence of the Spirit's presence in one's life, he added.

Pentecost celebrates ‘gifts that from the Spirit flow’

This weekend Catholics will celebrate the feast of Pentecost, recalling the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian Church.

A holy fire poured out like water

In fire and rain, the Spirit of the living God enfolds us and his love consumes the depths of our being, writes Gina Christian. At Pentecost she prays we may be scorched and soaked anew by this Comforter.