
Catholic investing challenges us to examine our financial management

Our faith demands that our portfolios honor God, writes Carolyn Woo. Catholic social teaching expresses a preferential option for the poor and powerless that we can exercise through compassionate economic decisions.

Irish referendum reveals wounds only Christ can heal

By overturning its constitutional ban on abortion, Ireland shifted dramatically in its long relationship with the Catholic Church, writes Father Eric Banecker. The vote challenges us to offer true and lasting faith in place of cultural Catholicism.

A black Catholic experience at a royal wedding? Believe it

Carole Norris Greene never saw it coming, but the essence of black Catholics' culture -- passionate preaching, gospel-inflected music -- flowed to a worldwide audience glued to the wedding of a British prince to an African-American woman.

With sports betting now in play, so are the risks

Legal sports wagering may provide a boost in revenue to state coffers. But more people will bet more than they should, and the integrity of all sports may be jeopardized. Betting will change the way we enjoy sports, argues an editorial.

How to get past the polarization in the culture war

From gun control to abortion to immigration, Americans are deeply divided, writes Greg Erlandson. Through dialogue and dialing back on extremes, we can seek areas of agreement that will serve the common good.

British doctor’s letter to Ireland ahead of Irish vote on abortion

The moving letter of an anonymous doctor, who aborted preborn babies and cared tenaciously for others of the same age, warns Ireland not to legalize abortion as Britain did. "We have got this so very wrong."

Lessons from two soon-to-be saints

Millennial Catholics like Elise Italiano grasp the integrity of Catholic teachings, and see no divide in the saintly witness of Pope Paul VI (pro-life) and Archbishop Romero (social justice), whom the pope will soon canonize.

Memorial Day: Honoring our war dead

Although it's in danger of becoming just a part of a long, relaxing weekend, the holiday this Monday reminds us of those Americans who gave their lives so the rest of us could enjoy summers of fun and freedom.

Yanny vs. laurel, and the search for truth

The latest internet sensation -- what did you hear that computerized voice say? -- points to the importance of listening, which can lead to the internal conversion of our hearts, writes Brett Robinson.

Hype and reality on family planning

Commentators on both sides of the abortion divide call the move to restore Reagan-era abortion regulations an effort to "defund Planned Parenthood." Richard Doerflinger offers a thoughtful perspective, not fuel to the fire.