
Hype and reality on family planning

Commentators on both sides of the abortion divide call the move to restore Reagan-era abortion regulations an effort to "defund Planned Parenthood." Richard Doerflinger offers a thoughtful perspective, not fuel to the fire.

We’re meant for joy, and a belly laugh is a good reminder

When John Garvey's 5-month-old granddaughter smiles back at him, she means it. Laughter is important in life and a part of every human culture because God, who has a sense of humor, created us in his image.

Cures for ‘chronic news funk’

As a news junkie, Greg Erlandson sees the perils in reading too much news -- and getting angry over it. He suggests a few ideas to balance information with rest, including a news fast.

Ensemble cast marches on, despite threat of cancellation

Like the characters of a TV series, the apostles needed a dramatic appearance by the Holy Spirit to energize them, writes Gina Christian on the feast of Pentecost. That cast knew their departed lead, Jesus, was always with them.

The need to raise priestly vocations among Hispanic Catholics

In the U.S. there are about 11,000 Hispanic Catholics for every Hispanic active priest -- the ratio for the total U.S. Catholic population is about 2,000 Catholics per priest, writes Hosffman Ospino.

Making the world greater

It's a big task and it always faces resistance from naysayers and those locked in insularity, but Father Eugene Hemrick points to the four marks of the church, as we pray in the creed, to achieve it.

An advocate for the Gospel of Life

Richard Doerflinger commends award winner Mary Ann Glendon, who shows how to advance an urgent message by embracing family and friends and approaching everyone, including opponents, in a friendly and gentle way.

When cancer diagnosis hits, discover life-changing power of joy

At 35, Olivia Clarke Silver learned she had cancer. After she beat it, a small group of friends helped change her life. She began volunteering and found that being joyful with others brings us closer to God.

How do we know what a smile really means?

In some cultures people distrust those who smile. Because of that we should put positive actions behind our expressions of joy and welcome, writes Maureen Pratt.

How to widen our hearts on Mother’s Day

When moms are asked to stand to be recognized at church this Sunday, Mother's Day, let's not forget those women who are mothers to many, and remain invisible in the applause.