
Learn humility, and laugh at yourself

John Garvey knows he needs to learn his mom's ability to laugh at her own expense. Real humility means not fishing for compliments but going through life attaching no importance to oneself.

The wedding ring: Symbol of fidelity or subjugation?

When a wife decides not to wear her ring anymore, she can't understand why her husband is making such a fuss. If it's a big deal to him, it's big enough to explore together, write Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain in their Marriage Matters column.

Thank God for his presence in bounty of life, and in its darkness

It's one thing to see God when you get what you want, writes Effie Caldarola, but another to thank God for his presence when you suffer things you didn't choose.

No quick solutions to refugee crisis

On Oct. 25, the leaders of Greece and other countries along the so-called "migrant trail" into Europe agreed to set up holding camps for up to 100,000 people seeking asylum from war or unrest in their homelands.

As suicide grows, there’s no better time to stand up for life

Last month California became the fifth state to legalize physician-assisted suicide. Father Gus Puleo calls for all Americans to grow in true compassion, respecting the dignity of life for all from conception to natural death.

Seeking light in the days that are left

Moises Sandoval writes that those of us who have lived long lives are acutely aware, with each passing day, that our vitality, like the sunshine, is weakening and that dark, cold days lie ahead.

Autumn: A time of transition, a time of hope

Autumn invites us to contemplation, writes Father William Byron. Instead of yielding to the pull of depression in the fall, focus on gratitude and let hope lift the soul to new heights.

Getting rid of clutter is trendy but has a spiritual benefit

Before Christmas shopping this year, Effie Caldarola advises against the glut of kitschy holiday decorations and cheap, easily discarded clothes that already fill our houses to the brim.

A lecture to teens might just be good advice

After a concussion, Karen Osborne had to follow the doctor's order to stay off screens. Frustrating as the advice was, she realizes it was for her own good.

Another ancient monastery in Iraq risks extinction

Christian sites are under threat by the Islamic State, including the refugees housed inside them. Their language and culture are also at risk, writes an editor covering the situation.