
Thanks to Supreme Court ruling, young people can dream big dreams

Youths brought to the U.S. as children now have hope for the future as real participants in the life of this country, after the court affirmed DACA, writes Father Gus Puleo.

You’re breaking our heart, baseball

Whenever the great American game returns, baseball fans like Father Eric Banecker may find the sport fundamentally changed forever, and not for better.

May this moment of suffering heal our broken vision of the other

Writers Flannery O'Connor and Caryll Houselander remind us that through self-examination, we can emerge from systemic racism with a renewed understanding of others, says Lindsey Weishar.

In police racism and clergy abuse, hold leaders accountable

Systemic abuse in all its forms is a call to oversee civic and religious institutions -- but not to defund or destroy them -- says John Garvey.

Pandemic’s lesson: We are not in charge, God is

Many milestones and hopes of everyday life and work have been dashed. We should let go of our expectations and trust humbly in God, writes Sister Constance Veit.

Parishes can help build healthy communities

The pandemic and the racism-related events of the past weeks have uncovered raw pain and wide disparities in our world. Maureen Pratt describes how parishioners caring for one another can live out their faith.

Sleeping giant awakes as people answer, ‘What can I do?’

Millions are showing support at rallies for racial justice. It's an America we’ve been yearning to see, writes Effie Caldarola, but it's only the beginning, and there's much work to do.

Racism has always been a pro-life issue

Black Catholics, writes Shannen Dee Williams, have long known what all Catholics must come to know: If racial justice and peace will ever be attained, it must begin in the church.

Seeing everyday racism, and rooting it out of our hearts

At this moment, the sin we each need to confront that has hurt and deprived so many is the sin of racism. You must root it out if you want to be holy, writes Katie Prejean McGrady.

How faith grows in quarantine

Families are struggling right now, whether stuck together at home or flung apart. Neither is natural, and we ache for the end. But the Spirit abides with us still, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci.