
Answer to powerlessness is not show of power, but presence

Father Jose Medina suggests in this dramatic moment that we listen to the cry of the powerless, not conceal it with quick fixes, and share the transformative power of love.

People who aren’t racist can help cure systemic racism

A first step toward a better America is for white people to listen to black people without a laundry list of talking points, and let the Spirit change hearts, writes Patrick Walsh.

This is the church’s moment to show Black Lives Matter

For the integrity of our faith community, for our youth and for the poor, Catholics must witness to human dignity and justice, writes Effie Caldarola.

This moment of judgment calls for more than just talk

George Floyd's murder and the COVID pandemic have exposed deep injustices in our nation, writes Greg Erlandson, who urges Americans to recommit themselves to the belief that all are equal.

Think of right or wrong first, before race

All people of good conscience should be protesting racial injustice, writes Carole Norris Greene, and not hold back critical support because the issue pertains to another race.

In search for cure, more power to science … but not too much

Richard Doerflinger is grateful for big pharma's efforts against the pandemic. But his applause is muted by an ad's claim that "we’re taking our science and unleashing it" without a moral framework.

Philadelphia area religious leaders express anguish over George Floyd

Archbishop Perez and other faith leaders in the region June 1 called on all to join in efforts that lead from polarization to a unity of purpose, and to deescalate tensions and begin healing. 

Could 2020 get any worse?

Five months have brought a pandemic, global disruption, another murder of a black man by police and now nationwide riots. Only the Spirit can heal our wounds and change our hearts, writes Father Eric Banecker.

Choose solidarity and protect your neighbor

Practicing solidarity -- for the good of others, not oneself -- is not a game of politics. As Edith Avila Olea writes, when one of us is hurting, we’re all hurting.

What wearing a face mask, or not, reveals about us

Greg Erlandson observes that with the debate over rights and the box score of daily deaths, the imperative of sacrifices for the common good remains, as does the Golden Rule.