
A renewed faith for troubled hearts

Christians cultivate their believing relationship through prayer, especially prayer to the loving and merciful Sacred Heart of Jesus, as it was revealed 100 years ago this week, writes Father Thomas Dailey.

An urgent call: The Catholic Church’s Plan B moment

What happens to the church when its Plan A, the status quo, gets upended by the coronavirus pandemic? We must get creative with a Plan B, writes author Chris Lowney, who points to three parishes.

Sick of it, but learning from the springtime of pandemic

The routines of March seem like a decade ago, but Father Eric Banecker notices the call to renewal in some of the well-worn phrases of our grim time during the coronavirus, and what they can teach.

May 5: Your chance to help church’s missionaries in crucial time

The suffering and uncertainties of the coronavirus pandemic are part of a typical day in mission lands. The Pontifical Mission Societies need your help now -- this Tuesday, May 5 -- to help millions.

The immigrant reality during COVID-19

Edith Avila Olea points out how the coronavirus has impacted some more than others, especially minority communities and immigrants. She relies on the Beatitudes and her father's trust in God's care.

Jesus, and our quest to be like him, defy the math

The math you never thought you'd use is appearing in all the virus models and economic charts that mark the pandemic's march, writes Brett Robinson. Look instead to God's creation and human acts of mercy.

Reflecting on the before and after of the pandemic

Greg Erlandson probes America's time of hardship which reveals our character, tests our resilience and humbles us. He hopes our deep divides might ease and we understand again the phrase "E pluribus unum." Out of many, one.

Let go of your autopilot, trust radically in God’s love

In this moment more than ever, the clarity of living in the love of God and beyond ourselves leads us deeply into divine communion and to radical solidarity with our neighbors, writes Patrick Walsh.

5 ways parishes can arise to ‘new normal’ after pandemic

With creative planning, parishes can move from being producers and consumers of spiritual services and become a vital community that bears witness to the Resurrection, writes Father Thomas Dailey.

Not to lay off: You have staffing options during COVID-19 crisis

As revenues shrink during the coronavirus response, many parishes, schools and businesses are facing extreme financial challenges. But there are options to cutting staff, says Matthew Manion.