
Some Catholics’ call for public Easter Masses is too risky

A group of Catholics wrote an open letter, titled "We are an Easter people," urging church leaders to defy rules on public gatherings during the pandemic. The letter is dangerous, divisive, selfish and irresponsible, argues an editorial.

God’s got us, and the world, in his hands

Stuck in the house, Laura Kelly Fanucci's son played an old, familiar song on the piano. It reminds her of a deep theology expressed well by a saint during the Black Death, one that speaks of love and trust in God.

I’ll see you in the Eucharist: Why there is no ‘private’ Mass

Father Eric Banecker explains that even in a locked down Holy Week, every Mass -- be it with a congregation very large, very small or none at all -- unites Catholics because all are mysteriously present.

A crisis of coping: Staying emotionally, spiritually healthy at home

In these unprecedented times everyone is trying to handle the stresses of life under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. Father Keith Chylinksi offers a psychological and spiritual framework plus eight practical tips.

Hope of hospice can set loved one on path to eternal life

Hospice care expert Aimee Gustitis describes the options and the team approach for health care in one's home and how the dying process can be a beautiful experience.

In video, pope greets families at ‘difficult,’ ‘unusual’ time

Pope Francis presented a video for everyone Friday evening, April 3 in which he remembers anyone suffering from the coronavirus and its effects, and his "hope for a better world," one nourished by faith in the risen Jesus.

Holy Week without precedent is time to renew our faith

In his message before the start of Holy Week, Archbishop Jose Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, invites all to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic and grace to bear its burdens with patience.

Choose what really matters

Reflecting on Pope Francis' moving and unprecedented prayer service from the Vatican last Friday, Effie Caldarola prays that all will be shaken awake by the pandemic crisis.

Maintain routine, stay connected and rely on prayer, counselor advises

With widespread effects from the pandemic that are unprecedented in our lifetime, such as Masses being suspended and sporting events cancelled, people need help to cope with the chaos.

The happiness of an Easter in pandemic, besides the bunnies

Writer Pete Sheehan notices how incongruous are festive Easter decorations in normal times, but even more in these days that confirm the inevitability of death. But it does not have the last word. Jesus does.