
Combat sin of racism anew during Black History Month

The writer of a guest editorial, having been taught by a black Catholic sister under consideration for sainthood, urges everyone to study holy Catholic black leaders and promote all policies to end racism.

Superstars like us

Elise Italiano Ureneck might not share much with celebrities like the late Kobe Bryant, except suburban Philadelphia roots, but she does share with Catholic figures a common frailty and hope in the resurrection.

Couples can save couples from sinkhole of divorce

Citing the high costs of divorce to families and society, Greg Erlandson writes committed married couples should be invited to mentor newlyweds before the altar and into the difficult years to come.

It’s a dark time to be Hispanic, but there are rays of light

Moises Sandoval charts the alarming increase in violence against Hispanics in the U.S. The emotional impact of attacks deemed by some not only as permissible but patriotic has Hispanics wondering who will be next.

On a winter morning, the gift of faith

Effie Caldarola woke on a recent cold morning to pray and ponder the gift of faith -- with an assist from a story by Archbishop Nelson Perez. Each day is a gift for people of faith, and those without.

Talking about God and grief with children

February brings the anniversaries of the deaths of Laura Kelly Fanucci's twin children, and hard questions from her sons about their sisters. There's no hiding the truth, but much sharing of God's comfort.

What’s your story? And what does it mean?

Our lives are story we write every day, and we discover meaning in life when we forge a new perspective and learn to see a unifying whole amid seemingly unrelated occurrences, writes Father Thomas Dailey.

Limiting SNAP benefits also limits our love for one another

A new rule that will cut federal nutrition assistance for thousands is a wake-up call for us to examine human suffering and our relationship to God, writes Patrick Walsh.

Caregiving is pro-life

Those who attend to aged or infirm loved ones -- often at great sacrifice -- live out the divine call to uphold human dignity, writes Aimee Gustitis.

Four ways to renew our lives through service

Many New Year's resolutions have already faded, but by taking a few simple steps each day, we can transform ourselves and the world around us, writes Sarah Hanley.