
Catholic schools not only teach but form grads in faith

Proud Catholic school alumnus Father Eric Banecker sees the impact of Catholic schools on the communities they serve, the families that choose a Catholic education and the young people learning to be faithful citizens.

Bucks Co. student feels ‘lucky to go to Catholic school’

Brunissa Morales, an eighth-grader at St. Charles Borromeo School in Bensalem, shares her thoughts on Catholic education with classmates during Catholic Schools Week. observance.

In a world going mad, Catholic schools are havens of sanity

Deacon Christopher Roberts believes St. Paul would be familiar with today's angry America: Who belong to conservatives? Who belongs to liberals? Catholic schools, while fragile, teach the wholeness and depth of the Gospel.

Why American Catholics should mourn Kobe Bryant’s death

Writer Cain Pence shares little with the fallen basketball superstar except a strong Catholic faith that binds them, and everyone, as brothers in the Lord.

Life is priceless, but giving birth is pricey

Pro-lifers should be affirming the value of life and the cost of economic injustice, racism and affordable health care, writes Edith Avila Olea. The $8,000 cost for bringing her son into the world means six months of debt.

The light of this screen vs. the darkness

Right now your screen is delivering information from without. As Catholics, our baptism ignites a light from within, light that the world needs to see and which the darkness cannot comprehend.

To end abortion, heal human sexuality

Protecting the unborn means freeing men and women from deep sexual confusion that mars the image and likeness of God, writes Gina Christian.

Opening doors, and hearts, to love

Everyday encounters provide a number of opportunities for bringing God's kindness and light to others through simple but profound gestures, writes Maureen Pratt.

Consider the lilies of the field, and hold the Botox

A healthy lifestyle is fine, writes John Garvey, but going to extremes to cover up wrinkles and gray hairs can leave everyone wondering who you really are -- including yourself.

‘The Two Popes:’ Baloney, brilliantly acted

The Netflix film about Popes Benedict and Francis is entertaining but its portrayal of the 2013 conclave is not true, says George Weigel, a man who was there and knew its details and dynamics.