
Watch for the ‘Lord of the dance’ among us

As Effie Caldarola watched her teenage nephew sway to the music, she caught a glimpse of the divine when a pretty young woman asked the young man to dance, regardless of his Down syndrome.

Blending health care with focus on faith, family

Maureen Pratt tells of a a Catholic children's hospital that involves the family in all aspects of care. It's cutting edge care with attention to a child's worldview in order to "reveal the healing presence of God."

Out of order, but still holy

Despite our efforts to restore marriage and family life to its God-given fullness, we will not transform the culture until we truly begin meeting people where they are, writes Gina Christian.

It’s Pride Month. I’m Catholic. How do I respond?

Karl Miller is a Catholic gay man who has a three-point plan for building a bridge of dialogue between the Catholic community and the gay community through education, evangelization and prayer.

How far the church has come this past year

The world's oldest bureaucracy doesn't move at breakneck speed by the world's standards, but it has made remarkable progress in creating reforms to counter clerical abuse, writes Greg Erlandson. Now comes the tough work of follow-through.

Penance for the passive

Legal attempts to break the seal of confession aren't surprising, given how few Catholics actually participate in the sacrament of reconciliation, writes John Garvey. In the long run, religious freedom will only matter if religion itself matters.

Yoda doesn’t live here anymore

You don’t have to be a Jedi master to grasp the urgent need to dial down the rhetoric and be citizens of this world and the next, before we lose our lives in both, writes Gina Christian.

On climate change, we’re going in the wrong direction, fast

In his ministry as summer chaplain at Yellowstone, Philadelphia native Father Rick Malloy sees the earth's delicate beauty and argues it's time to recover our courage and help heal our home.

Fathers make God’s love real in this world

Whether it's celebrated with gifts or simple words of gratitude, Father's Day reminds us how the Lord embraces us through the men who form us by everyday acts of sacrifice and leadership. In this set of articles, we mark the holiday with several reflections on fatherhood.

The real gifts Dad wants for Father’s Day

Ties and tools aren't on the list for Soren Johnson, who has instead come up with seven truths that he wants to prayerfully recommit to giving his kids this day, and always.