
Every life — including mother and baby — is precious

The simple message from recent abortion-restricting laws is that every life is precious. If we really believe that, writes Greg Erlandson, we must radically support pregnant women, prisoners, the homeless -- everyone.

Parish disability ministry: What does it take?

Maureen Pratt tells of how one concerned woman gained the support of her parish pastor and DRE, gathered sobering comments from parishioners then built a ministry to involve disabled people and their gifts.

The challenge of reconciliation

Today we are not only experiencing greater disagreement but vicious disagreement that is far outweighing reconciliation, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Where do we start to rectify this? At home.

In Catholic solidarity with Venezuela

Hosffman Ospino suggests five ways American Catholics can support their brothers and sisters in mostly Catholic Venezuela. It is time to be united in prayer, holding those who suffer in our hearts.

Let the people, in their states, decide on abortion

Based on a recent Supreme Court ruling, John Garvey envisions the overturning of the decision that legalized abortion. Upholding states' rights to ban abortion would be a good thing for democracy and for the law.

New church rules on sex abuse a good start to restoring trust

By setting norms for the role of bishops in handling cases of abuse by clergy, Pope Francis' new document closes one gaping hole in the U.S. bishops' charter, says an editorial in Our Sunday Visitor.

You want to save the world? Think small

Effie Caldarola wants at least to make a dent in the world's woes. So she began with the gift of water ice -- for a carload of young soccer players, child refugees from the Syrian war.

Jean Vanier, a theologian of the everyday

Patrick Walsh sees in the recently deceased Frenchman not only how communion can transform both giver and receiver, but also a model for holiness: just "become a little friend of Jesus.”

Abortion, sex strike and our Christian sexual witness

An actress has called for women to refrain from sex in opposition to recent abortion laws, but Gina Christian believes we should embrace sexuality for the divine gift it is, not weaponize it.

What Jean Vanier taught us

People like the Frenchman who opened his home to welcome the disabled and who died this week at 90 make this weary world more bearable, writes Effie Caldarola. He changed attitudes by living the Gospel.