
Half a dress teaches full lesson on the risks of freedom

Effie Caldarola visited Ireland and found much has changed as the dresses have gotten skimpier. While the oppressions in Ireland may be gone, so too are its traditions of beauty and faith.

Blesseds Romero, Paul VI’s courage sets example for us

The church's latest saints remind us of our need for ongoing conversion and a willingness to journey with others to God, writes a guest commentator from the St. Louis archdiocese.

Self-denial can keep us grounded in selfish times

Denying ourselves leads us to inner health and freedom, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. As a result, we can respond to an increasingly agitated world with peace and purpose.

Romero’s growth in holiness, fearlessness, led to sainthood

Sister Peggy McDonald, I.H.M., teaches her students about the heroic Christian life and witness of Archbishop Oscar Romero, the martyr and model pastor who will be canonized Oct. 14.

What’s ailing baseball is also draining the life of our culture

Baseball fan Father Eric Banecker writes that people are too busy working or being angry to enjoy a leisurely game. It has become lifeless, yet hyper-analyzed too. Leaders at the synod on youth should see the parallels.

In praise of middle children

Patience and empathy are traits of those skilled negotiators who grew up between the oldest and youngest kids, and they are the kind of social experts we need to make our country great again, writes Greg Erlandson.

A month to pray, respect and remember — for life

After speaking publicly about infertility, miscarriage and infant loss, Laura Kelly Fanucci can't forget the words of other women who have told her of their loss. Respect Life Month is a perfect time to remember these women and their children.

A plea from the brokenhearted laity

In addition to the harm to victims of sexual abuse, another injury is the deep gash inflicted on the church with the rupture in trust, writes Carolyn Woo, who invites church leaders to engage with lay people face to face.

Wanted: Saints (like you) to rebuild the church

We marvel today at how far-reaching were the reforms of revered medieval saints for the church. After this past scandalous summer, an editorial argues we all have the opportunity to become the new generation of saintly reformers of the church.

Choice to abort grandchild tearing apart husband and wife

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain offer clear yet sensitive advice to a couple divided about the abortion of their first grandchild. The husband is horrified over the abortion and distraught over his wife's indifference.