
Homily for a church betrayed

It's past time the church not only listen to women, but for women to help shape the future, says a priest homilist in Louisville. If the wisdom of women had as much power in the church as the voice of men, we would not have the culture that handed over the holy to shield predators.

Find silence, ‘sit in the stench’ of the grand jury report — then act

An archdiocesan priest of 35 years, a brother and an uncle tells his parishioners that prayer is empty without actions of justice on behalf of the victims of sexual abuse. And lay people must take the lead.

Creating a pastoral response to suicide

Few tragedies devastate families as profoundly as suicide. Wisdom, compassion and insight are needed to minister to those left behind, and to save those who are thinking of ending their lives.

‘Put not your trust in princes,’ even those of the church

The recurring clerical sex abuse scandals have eroded moral authority and for some even faith itself, writes John Garvey. Yet the church is not sanctified by men, but by God, who is the source of all grace, holiness and healing.

Sexual abuse is always intolerable, regardless of the circumstances

Safe environment measures are important but insufficient in protecting children and youth from molestation. Those in positions of trust must be held strictly accountable, stresses this guest editorial from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

4 ways to clean up crisis of responsibility by church leaders

If any good is to come from the long tragedy of child sexual abuse, it may be that the church -- humiliated and scorned -- can contribute to the healing that our country and world need, writes Greg Erlandson.

Longing for more children, should parents adopt or foster?

A couple wrestles with the cost of adoption and the toll of being foster parents. Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain counsel them to fully understand both alternatives, and to seek God's guidance.

Answering our oldest questions has never been more timely

Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I go­ing? How do I get there? Few people today try to answer them, writes Sister Sheila Galligan, who explains how the classic answers can clear the contemporary chaos.

Leisure puts time on our side

Our hyperconnected world produces hurry and frustration, writes Father Thomas Dailey. By observing a divinely set speed limit, we allow the Lord to refresh and renew us.

You are a missionary, and you can aid global missions from home

Msgr. Arthur Rodgers explains how the Pontifical Mission Societies support the good works of the church, in some of the world's poorest places, to proclaim the Good News in every land.