
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (video)

Watch a video of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper celebrated Holy Thursday evening, April 17, in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Archbishop Charles Chaput was the main celebrant. Father Edward Burke, parochial vicar at the Cathedral Parish, preached the homily. (Video by Sarah Webb) See photos from the mass here.

Video for Holy Thursday Chrism Mass at cathedral

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated the annual Chrism Mass with hundreds of priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Holy Thursday, April 17, at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.

Video of Palm Sunday Mass at the cathedral

Watch a video of Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrating Mass on Palm Sunday, April 13 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia.

Video of Mass for persons with disabilities

Watch a video of the annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput April 12 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia.

Catholic Philopatrians award Sims highest honor

Watch a video of the Sourin Award banquet, hosted by the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute April 10, at which Bob Sims received the prestigious annual award.

Confirmation at St. Genevieve Church

See a video of Archbishop Chaput's visit to the Flourtown, Montgomery County parish where he confirmed 51 young people last week.

Mass to celebrate cultural heritage

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated Mass and witnessed the rich outpouring of cultural traditions in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia March 29 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Cultures and peoples from many lands were represented in a colorful and vibrant procession before Mass, and enthusiastic participation during the liturgy. (Video by Sarah Webb)

Couple found online dating site served a perfect match

This content is sponsored by CatholicMatch.com Richard was 32 years old and just home from deployment in Iraq. He struggled to stay consistently true to God’s plan, and when he wasn’t finding much success in the dating scene he turned to online dating and CatholicMatch for a last-ditch effort. Kim had already tried online dating but […]

Mass for healing of sexual abuse victims

Watch a video of the Mass of healing for victims of clergy sexual abuse.

In Argentine shanties, priests live like the sheep they shepherd

JOSE LEON SUAREZ, Argentina (CNS) -- The doors used to stay shuttered on Our Lady of the Miracle chapel in a shantytown on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, opening only on Saturdays for catechism classes and Sundays for a single, sparsely attended service.