Youth & Young Adults
God asks us to embrace social media to make his presence known
The power of digital networks cannot be underestimated in the lives of today's young people, writes Sarah Yaklic. If the church would meet them and become their companions, we'd better run -- not sit and wait for them.
The church needs not clout, but gift of contemplative monasteries
It's tempting to withdraw into alarmist speculation about the church in a changing Western culture, but Father Eric Banecker points to contemplative prayer as the way the church can respond to the Holy Spirit in our times.
Inward humility and outward boldness mark the Christian life
John the Baptist lived the message he preached, says Father Matt Guckin. As disciples of Christ, we too are called to put aside self and to serve God in others.
Pew report says young adults worldwide less religious than older adults
The study concluded that this was true regardless of the predominant religion in the country, its level of economic development, or its level of religiosity.
Thoughts on the synod: Solitude and mission
Archbishop Charles Chaput turns his column over to a young man discerning God's personal call to embark on a mission for life -- a vocation -- which begins with solitude and is built in community.
Selfie spirituality: Inside
In the age of the selfie, how can the church reach "real people"? Social media expert Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares his thoughts on the relationship between the actual self, the virtual self and the Gospel.
Show you’re a Catholic school grad and appear a fool — for Christ
Even as this year's graduates take off their caps and gowns, they are called always to be witnesses to Christ through their personal example despite pressures to fit in with society, writes Father Joseph Bongard.
In a world of us vs. them, Catholics can show the way to dignity
A young Navy officer knows the beauty of respectful dialogue and dignified disagreement, and thinks young people in the church can become the voice of dignity wherever it is called into question.
The power of witness; the importance of the Eucharist
Archbishop Charles Chaput lauds the Culture Project that ministers to young adults, the Courage ministry to persons with same-sex attraction and the holy Eucharist -- all treasures of the Catholic Church.
Lessons from two soon-to-be saints
Millennial Catholics like Elise Italiano grasp the integrity of Catholic teachings, and see no divide in the saintly witness of Pope Paul VI (pro-life) and Archbishop Romero (social justice), whom the pope will soon canonize.