Boot Up Philly a ‘beautiful exchange’ of blessings

Hundreds gathered for an Oct. 22 clothing and footwear giveaway spearheaded by St. John's Hospice, with participants sharing "precious moments" of fun and fellowship.

Baby shower celebrates Northeast Phila. moms

Expectant mothers and parents with young children were treated to a special afternoon thanks to a community baby shower hosted by archdiocesan Catholic Social Services.

‘Boot Up Philly’ drive provides firm footing for those in need

St. John's Hospice, an archdiocesan ministry to those in homelessness, will distribute critically needed footwear and winter essentials to hundreds Oct. 22, and you can help.

Agency walks with women to recovery, joy and hope

Catholic Social Services helps women to find new paths out of addiction, homelessness and mental health challenges -- while celebrating vulnerabilities as "places where God can reveal his glory."

New crisis pregnancy guide ‘more important than ever,’ says agency director

"Peace Be With You," released by the archdiocesan Office for Life and Family, contains more than 90 pages of area outreaches and social supports for those at risk for abortion, and those grieving a miscarriage or seeking post-abortion healing.

New look, new life for Catholic Social Services outreach in Chester

The agency's Delaware County Family Service Center is expanding its mission in the impoverished city, thanks to the Catholic Charities Appeal, Vagabond Missions, St. Katharine Drexel Parish and other local partners.

Area faithful donate thousands of rosaries to Catholic Social Services

The agency was "flooded" after asking for some 120 rosaries to distribute to clients, and the overwhelming response is "a sign from God this needs to keep going," said Amy Stoner, director of community-based and homelessness services.

Archdiocesan foster care worker knows need for parents firsthand

Iris Puhiera of Catholic Social Services will host an Aug. 24 webinar on becoming a foster parent for unaccompanied minors -- and having been in foster care prior to immigrating, she's "passionate about this work."

Foster parents needed for unaccompanied minors

Catholic Social Services is looking for caring individuals and families to help kids fleeing violence and poverty, with full details available through an Aug. 24 webinar.

Archdiocesan summer camp gives kids ‘a bit of heaven on earth’

The messy fun of Camp Rainbow shines in the smiles of kids from St. Edmond's Home for Children, part of Catholic Social Services' continuum of care for persons with disabilities.