
If you’re in confessional during Mass, does the liturgy ‘count’?

Father Ken Doyle explains an emerging practice of parishes offering the sacrament of penance at the same time as the Sunday Mass. He also replies to a reader about prayers for Martin Luther King at Mass.

Jesus’ first lesson on the Mount: Be humble

The Beatitudes begin with a call to “poverty of spirit,” writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on the readings for this Sunday’s Mass. Recognizing God’s gifts is the first step toward humility and a poverty that makes us truly rich.

Readings of the holy Mass – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

A spirituality for busy people

A busy person sets aside time for important things, including prayer. How we integrate our work, our leisure and our prayer is the focus of this CatholicPhilly.com series of stories from Catholic News Service.

Too busy for God? Not so, and here’s how

If you sense a nagging desire for spiritual growth, here are some simple ways to deepen your prayer life without adding one more obligation. God is inviting us to heed Psalm 46: "Be still and know that I am God!"

What is ‘holy leisure’?

More than just "down time" and more than simply time between other commitments and chores Sunday should be a day where we intentionally set aside commitments and troubles, and be present with those we love.

In the Bible, Jesus shows how to take time for prayer

We can't find or create time so we must set aside time for important things, including time set apart for prayer. Christ remains our model for doing so, as we seeing him doing frequently in the Gospels.

If Freemasons do good works, can a Catholic join them?

Father Ken Doyle presents Catholic teaching on the Masons, and how they differ from the Knights of Columbus, in answer to a reader. Another reader pleads for reverence in church, and Father Doyle agrees completely.

Christ our light dispels the darkness of fear and pain

Msgr. Joseph Prior illuminates the Scripture readings for this Sunday's Mass, which present Jesus as the light leading his disciples to holiness, just as he begins his public ministry.

Readings of the holy Mass – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.